The betrayal 11

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i'm sorry it took a while to post again. i've been busy with exams.

Even after what the doctor have told me, i couldn't stop thinking about the child. Sometimes, I would be in my room thinking. Whenever anyone came to check on me, I would pretend like I was sleeping. When they leave, I would continue thinking again.

Philips was doing his best in taking care of me. Sarah too was always there for me and even Andrew came every morning and night to check on me.

After that night with Andrew, we had to pretend like everything was okay between us. He never talked to me about his feelings and I pretended to forget about mine.

One day, Philips parents came and pay us a visit. They were a lovely couple and I found myself liking them the first time they came to visit. Philips father was very funny and playful while his wife was a very quite person and smiles always. Philips parents reminded me of my parents and before I knew it, Mrs Christina Alvin and I became good friends. I do call her sometimes.

I was happy to have everyone's love and affection. Philips even talked to me about us getting engaged but I told him to wait until after I have birth. We had an arguement between us but he later agreed with me and we both came to the conclusion that we would be getting engaged after delivery. I was very happy that I never saw or heard about Uncle Richard even though I used to think about the child being his sometimes.

During the months that followed, I grew rapidly. My tummy continued to expand with every passing day. I ate almost every minute and continued to add more weight. I slept most of the time during the day but stay awake at night. All the provisions I needed was always there for me, including love.

One morning, when I was now seven months old, I was leaving my room and going to the kitchen to eat. Even though I had just finished the food that Sarah brought for me this morning, I was still hungry. As I made my way down the corridor, I smiled when I felt the baby moving inside me. I had felt it two days ago when I was dressing after a hot bath. I screamed when I felt a sharp pain in my tummy above my vagina. In the blink of an eye, Sarah, Philips and Andrew were right in my room.

"What happened?" Sarah glared at me, a frightened expression on her face. Philips and Andrew gazed in awe.

"I'm fine. It's just...the baby kicked me and I felt the pain. It's okay now."

"Are you sure you are going to be okay?" Andrew insisted.

"Of course, I will be fine." I sat down slowly.

"You need to stay in bed." Sarah said, taking each steps towards me. She sat beside me and placed her hand on my forehead. "Get into bed." She commanded, tucking me into bed and pulling the quilt over my shoulder. She got up. "We'll check on you later." She went towards the door. When she saw that Philips and Andrew hadn't made a move, she turned to face them. "It's okay guys. What happened to her is normal. All she needs is some rest and she will be fine again. Come on, let's get out of here."

That day was the first time I felt it. As I made my way through the corridor, I brought my hand upward and placed it on my stomach.

"Hello there. Can you hear me, sweetie? Mommy really wants the best for you." I whispered softly. As I was about to step into the sitting room, I heard the slamming of a door behind me. I twirled around suddenly, my heart pounding very fast I thought I would faint.

The first expression that first came into my mind before I twirled around was seeing Uncle Richard, but before me was Sarah. She was holding her throat and running into the bathroom.

"Sarah." I shouted and ran after her. She was vomiting and gasping for air. "Oh my God." I whispered when I saw her. "Sarah, what's wrong?" I asked. She continue to vomit without looking my way. "Philips." I shouted, turning towards the door.

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