She hadn't been as sweet with Scott when he was sobbing into her chest and depending on her to make him feel better. She felt guilty knowing she was his second best friend and still couldn't comfort him like Mitch. She decided to stick around and learn what to do in case this ever happened when Mitch wasn't around. She watched the thin boy hold Scott to his chest, his eyes closed and his expression changing depending on the noises Scott made. She tried to focus on what Mitch was whispering to him but his voice was so low that she almost wondered if she wasn't supposed to hear him. The way Mitch was whispering to him made her feel like his words were intended for only Scott's ears and that listening would be an invasion of their privacy.

"Scotty, don't you know how much you mean to me? I wish you'd told Kirstie to call me right away. I meant it, I would drop anything for you, baby. Anything. You're my best friend in the whole world and you always will be, and I love you so, so much. You know that, right sweetheart?"

Scott whined pitifully, rocking himself in Mitch's arms as his hot tears soaked through the boy's tshirt. Mitch took that as a yes and continued his little monologue, knowing that his voice would give Scott something to focus on that was nicer than the mess inside his mind.

"Good. I'm glad you know that, because it's important. Once we get to the hotel you're gonna take a bath and I'm gonna order you whatever you wanna eat and we can do whatever you want until bedtime, okay? Arranging can wait. Arranging is stupid." He gave Scott a little squeeze. The sobbing had died down a little bit but he could tell Scott was still crying by the fresh tears still soaking into his shirt. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you feel better by the end of the night. I'll make sure of it, Scotty. Do you wanna tell me what's wrong, honey?"

Scott shook his head no.

"Oh. Okay."

Kirstie gave Mitch a look, watching him rub Scott's head with his fingertips. She interrupted them with a harsh whisper and almost immediately regretted ruining the atmosphere, but she couldn't help it. "Okay?! It's not okay! How can you help him if you don't know what's wrong?"

He kept petting Scott's head as he turned his attention to Kirstie for a moment. "By loving him, Kirst. By caring for him. It's so easy. Isn't it, angel? You're such a sweet, amazing boy and you don't ask for much but the world is still so cruel to you. I'm so, so sorry."

Kirstie frowned and moved her hand up to rub Scott's shoulder. "I'm sorry too, Scotty. It's not fair for you to have to feel like this." She considered whispering sweet reassurances to him like Mitch had, but decided against it. She didn't feel like it was her place to say those things to him. "Mitchie? Why do you keep calling him angel? You called him the worlds biggest asshole and laughed at him less than two hours ago."

"That was a joke, Kirstie. He kept cheating when we were playing Mario Kart. I'm not joking calling him angel, though, because he is one. Aren't you, Scotty?"

Scott shook his head 'no', sniffling a little. He nuzzled against Mitch's chest, exhausted from his crying spree.

"Yes, you are. You're the kindest, sweetest, most warm hearted person in the whole world. My best friend ever. I wouldn't be surprised if we found little feathery angel wings poking out of your back one day. Awww. I'm so lucky to have someone like you in my life, Scotty. You can't convince me of anything different, I know you're an angel."


It came as a whisper muffled by Mitch's shirt but Mitch still heard it, and Kirstie had too. The two shared a soft smile, thankful to hear his voice.

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