"Since I need a break, I am going to come back home Kai-chan! Your mother needs to spend time with with you. I hope you don't make any messes in the house!" She seemed very in delight to meet her son again, but with this house, it is going down hill. "Also, about that cousin," Kaito's ears perk up. Was it Aoko who was talking to his mother before? Probably did. "Who is that cousin?"

"O-Oh, um, about that, kaa-san. I will explain it-"

"Oops! Gotta run, my flight is here. See you soon tomorrow!"

She hung up the call, and the terrified Kaito froze in the spot. Conan's mum hung up too, giving out a nervous laugh, then glancing to Kaito. He raised an eyebrow up.

"Oi, Kuroba-kun, are you okay?" He look around to his face, a face showing true fear. That poker face of his must be breaking.

Looks like he is having a hard time about it. Haha... Also my mum is coming home, oh no.


-Shizuku's Pov-

I left my house early, well not exactly my house. It seems that this house was meant for me when I came here and Kyuta talked with me about it. I just wonderes in why didn't Ani had her own house if she was like me? I guess that question won't be ever answered.

The walk between here and to School isn't that far, and most certainly not that far from where Ani was living. I had a clear debate of going over to her place and waiting for her since she's sometimes taking her time to get ready. But surely, I should just give her a rest for a day. Knowing her, it didn't seem like she would be happy to see me. But as a friend, she would. She seemed so lonely in her eyes, a natural fact she isn't great around people.

I gave out the most depressing sighs. I was very certain a guy like me could get any girl. I was considered as most popular boy in school back in my world. These specifically thought I am okay around people, get into relationship and all sort of stuff but not get into those things which I don't even want to say it since it is a bit weird. I get many letters and confessions. I was in a relationship before, it didn't end up well. I didn't like the girls that are too clingy,  I save space for myself. Except I am not leaving Ani alone. I felt like she's different than the others.

(Hell, I cuss my ass for you to go away wtf)

I talked a few times with Kyuta. He said she wasn't really the ideal girl, and boy I didn't cosider that a second. I was mildly confuse for a start when she was talking about 'marrying' for a moment. Leaving that aside, I was going towards the gate. I am already here. I look around, no signs of Ani, not yet.

Then I completely forgotten, the school is not available. Since Ani messes things up. And it's been blocked with yellow plastic stripes saying 'Do not enter'. Another passerby came and notice me. Presumably, another student wearing his uniform. Was he not here last time? I took a closer look at his face, he was wearing a mask. It's Okabe.

"Hi Okabe-san. You were absent yesterday."

He gave a slight shrug before answering. "I was sick, I get sick really easily." He cough a few times, facing the other way.

"Well too bad, school is not open." I said, turning my head to the school.

"Oh, that's too bad." He cough once again. "Do you know when the school will open?"

"No, not really. I didn't have a notice, or my classmates didn't say."

"Don't you have friends, other than Kouketsuna-san?"

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