Chapter 52 | Realisation

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Scott's POV

A few weeks past since my little break down with Mitch, and break up with Alex. And for the past few days, Mitch has been going out to clubs a lot more than usual, and one too many times for me to not worry.

Why was he going out so much? Is he feeling okay?

"Hey Michelle?" I asked stopping him before he reaches the door for another night of partying.

"Yeah Steph?"

"Are you feeling okay? Because I feel like going out to clubs so many nights in a row isn't the be-"

"Hey... I'm fine. You don't have to worry... I haven't been getting too drunk the past few days, and I want to just a casual hook-up. I'm not really ready for another relationship, so I'm sticking with these." I searched his eyes to see if he was lying but from what I could tell, he wasn't.

I knew it for a fact too... He was close to sober when he came home last night, just a tad bit tipsy.

Then I felt my stomach flip over in realisation.

He wanted to have sex with a stranger.

Well, duh Scott, that's what a hook-up is...

"It's not safe to just go home with guys like that Mitch..." I tried to talk him out of going, "Stay with me."

"And be a third wheel when Alex comes along? I much rather not..." he sassed.

"Well... Okay then... Please be safe..." I gave him a kiss on the forehead and lingered there.

"I will. When will you stop worrying about me?" he asked giving me a warm hug.

The hug lasted way too long to be friendly, but that's normal.


"Well, good... I sort of like it like this. No over-board."

"I'm sorry, I'll watch myself next time." I smile sheepishly, knowing I get way too overprotective.

I finally let go of him as he walked out of our apartment swaying his hips and slaying his heels.

God, my best friend is hot...


I shook the thought away as I returned back onto the couch waiting for Alex.

But as I sat there I kept having thoughts about Mitch with other guys and I didn't like it. I felt a hard pang on my chest and the pressure started. It's so hard to breathe... What's happening?

I heard the doorbell so I slowly stood up. It's Alex. Your boyfriend. I shook my head harder trying to get the thoughts out of my head. But it didn't work.

I opened to door to see Alex with a box of cupcakes.

"Hey Lex." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey baby." He said walking in and setting the box of cupcakes on the table, "I didn't bother get gluten-free ones for Mitchell. It's annoying, we'll just have it for ourselves."

"It's fine, he'll probably eat it anyways."

"Fine. But since he's not here. Can we finally have our fun now?" He whined, he said pulling me onto the couch.

"Lex no... I don't feel like it."

"Scott... We haven't in a long time..." Alex said pouting.

"I don't want to..." I say my voice fading out after a while.

Alex frowns deeply.

He can't possibly try to force me into having sex with him...

"Fine. Then what do we do?" he asks intertwining our fingers.

"Wizard of Oz?"

He smiles before giving me a kiss.



Hey guys, 

I actually published like 12 hours ago but then Wattpad for some reason didn't allow that, and deleted half of my chapter, which is great. 

But that's fine, here it is :)

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter, I know it's getting boring but I just need some fillers to past time at the moment.

Love you guys <3

Tumblr: Penta-fruits

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