Chapter 31 | Pumped

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Scott's POV

"How was your date?" I ask as soon as Mitch walks through the door.

"Well... It was the usual, we ended up making out and scheduling a next date." he sighs and collapses on the couch beside me, so his head is on my lap.

"Why aren't you pumped about it?"

"Pumped about what?"

"Your next date."

He looks at me and shrugs.

"Do you not like him? Or did he do something to you? I will beat him to pulp." I say.

"No... He's fine, I guess." He paused before sitting up and looking at me, "How's Alex?"

"He's fine, we were in bed all day and he had to leave an hour ago."

"That explains why you didn't reply my texts."

"Nope. I just suck at replying and you know that." I say wrapping my hands around his waist.

Or cause I didn't want to... Interrupt you.

He squirms a bit and starts laughing when I climb over him to pin him down and tickle him.

"Fucking asshole! Stop. Staw-" He screams, before laughing again.

"What are the magic words?" I ask playfully.

"I don't know? Fucking spongebob?"

I shot an offended look at him before squeezing his sides more.

"OKAY OKAY! It's I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." He screams. I smile satisfied with my outcome.

When he sat back up with tears in his eyes, because all his laughing. I heard him mutter, 'Bastard.'

"What?" I ask reaching my hands towards him.

"Don't you fucking come at me." He sasses.

I chuckle before standing up and getting my phone from our counter.

"Did you by any chance save my starbucks this morning?" Mitch shouts from the living room.

"Always." I walk to the fridge to get his order out and walk back to the living room to see 'fucking spongebob' on the screen.

"Here babe." I say.

He grins and stands up to move in front of me before sitting on my lap and leaning onto my chest to watch spongebob.

I gladly wrap my arms around him and take a sip out of his coffee. Times like this, I wouldn't trade for anything.

Mitch's POV

Scott isn't making a big deal about my date so that's really good.

After half an episode, I feel Scott's hands loosen around my waist. I turn my head around to see his lips parted slightly and his eyes closed. I smile and kiss him on the cheek before reaching for a blanket and throwing it over both of us. I grab his arms and I tighten it around my waist, and turned the TV volume down. I lean my head on his chest and let out a content sigh.

"You're my best friend Mitchie" Scott mumbles, obviously half-asleep.

I giggle before answering.

"You're my best friend."


Hi guys.

Sorry this chapter is literally a useless chapter but it's fluff right? So yay :)

See you all next week.

~Lynn Xp

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