Chapter 32 | Rain

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Mitch's POV

"Fuck Mitch, why do you always push me away?" Scott shouts at me. 

Scott was asking about Taylor again and this time, he is getting way too overprotective.

But I like it. I like his attention sometimes. But this argument is getting so out of hand.

"Because you are judging him before you even met him." I shout back.

"That doesn't mean you have to get mad at me for just asking about your date." He raises his voice more.

"Oh my god." He shook his head, "I quote, 'He's an idiot. Why him out of all people? Go find someone else.'" I glare at him.

"I... I was kidding." His confidence falters but he still shouts.

"Sure Scott. Sure." I say giving him a sad look, but I guess he mistakened it for another expression.

"Don't you fucking look at me like that, when you haven't had a fucking stable relationship since Tra-" He stops.

He was about to mention... Fucking asshole.

"You know what. I'm done with this conversation. Go fuck Alex for all I care. Why do you have to fucking keep me away from other guys when I'm just trying to get over y-" I stop.

"Get over what." He challenges me.

"Nothing." I say quickly.

"No. Tell me."

"No. I don't need to tell you every detail of my life."

"This is exactly what I mean. Why do you push me away?" Scott asks, his voice loud.

We haven't had an argument like this since high school...

"I push you away, because you are fucking annoying. You are stopping me from what I need  to do. And you aren't the person I need. So please, just, fuck off." I shout in one breath but quieting down near the end, before slamming the door to my room.

I lean on my door before sliding down. Tears drop from my eyes onto the ground as I begin to regret everything.

What did I just do?

What did I just fucking do?

After what seemed like hours, I heard our apartment doorbell ring. I heard Kirstie's voice on the other side.

Shit. We were suppose to eat lunch with Alex and Kirstie later.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Mitch?" I heard Kirstie's soft voice through the door.

"Yeah?" I ask, checking myself in the mirror, but instantly regretting it. I'm a mess. Like always.

"Are you okay?" 

I opened the door and glanced outside. She walked in but I kept my gaze at Scott, who was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

I walk back into my room and shut the door.

"Mitch. Babe." Kirstie gives me a hug, before giving me a reassuring smile.

"I'm fine. Let's go yeah?" I say.

Scott's POV

"My knight in shining armour is here!" I hear Alex exclaim as soon as I walk through the door. 

"Hi Lexi" I give him a half-smile and a kiss when he walked forwards. 

I heard Mitch scoff, "Knight in shining armour?"

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