Chapter 2 | Meeting

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Mitch's POV

After the movie, Scott and I were in tears. We stayed in that cuddling position for a while after the movie ended.

"Mary" Scott said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I hummed into his chest.

"We have to pack for tour. It starts in a few days." Scott said tiredly.

"Can we pack tomorrow? I like it here." I said nuzzling into his neck.

"Sure. Night Mitchie" Scott said playing with my hair.

"Night Scottie." I said before drifting off to a dreamless night.

Scott's POV

I woke up to see no one next to me.

"Michelle?" I shouted. "I need my pillow. Which is also you."

After a while, no one answered, so I stood up and went to the kitchen. There was a note on the fridge. Don't worry, Starbucks ;)

I smiled and walked to my room. I picked out some simple clothes and sweatpants, stripping out of my superman onesie, slipping on my clothes and looking in the mirror. Just then, I heard the front door open then close.

"STEPHANIE. STARBUCKS." Mitch shouted from the kitchen. I laughed and walked out.

"Thank you my loyal maid." I said taking a sip out of my coffee. Then I noticed how good Mitch looked today. He was wearing tight jeans that wrapped his legs perfectly and the 'scomiche' shirt. I scanned him, trying to absorb every single detail.

"Scott, stop. I'm self-conscious. Stop looking at me like you want to eat me alive." Mitch said playfully hitting my arm, snapping me out of my zone.

"Am I not suppose to notice how good my best friend looks?" I said, but the words, 'friend' tasted bitter as I said them.

"No you aren't." Mitch sassed wrapping his arms around my waist. "You have to pack, I'm almost done."

Once Mitch's arms left my waist, it felt so cold but I just ignored it. I can't think that about Mitch. He's my best friend.

"Oh and Scottie, we have a Pentatonix meeting in about uhhh..." He paused to look at his watch, "two hours. We are leaving for tour the day after tomorrow, so we just wanna clear things up, and we have to be done packing before tomorrow. Mommy is not planning on helping you last minute pack." Mitch filled him in before disappearing into his room to continue his packing.

I laughed to myself, took my starbucks and walked to my room. I dragged my suitcase out and started packing, blasting music in my room.

After an hour and a bit, I heard Mitch's phone ring, his ringtone, Drunk in Love echoed through the apartment before he answered it.

"Kirstie? Hey." Mitch said cheerfully. "Uh huh. Yeah. (A/N: Can't Sleep Love ;)) Okay. We'll be there in a bit." He paused. "Thanks, bye!" He hung up and walked out of his room.

"Mitchie, what did Kirst say?" I asked.

"We have to be there in fifteen minutes. Are you done packing?"

"Yup." I said popping the 'p'.

"Good, let's go" Mitch said getting the keys. "I called the Uber."

"Okay," I said getting my bag and my phone then headed out to wait for the Uber to come.

Mitch's POV

Once we reached our meeting destination, I greeted everyone and sat down next to Scott. Midway the meeting when Esther was telling us where we were going for the tour, I felt Scott's hand on my thigh, my immediate instinct was to hold it. I don't know why, but I did, and I'm glad I did.

He leaned in to my ear and whispered, "I'm excited Mitchie, we are going worldwide!"

" I am too." I said biting down on my lip to stop a blush from rising. My hand and his were still intertwined and I was happy about it.

"Okay, I have a surprise for you all in the group." Esther said, with a wide grin.

Scott, Kirstie, Avi, Kevin and I looked at each other, shrugged and looked back at Esther waiting for here to spill. She looks excited, I wonder what could it be? Oh my god. She looks REALLY excited. Did she get Beyonce to send us a video?

"For those who are wondering. No. I did not get in touch with Beyonce." Esther said looking at me. I slouched back in my seat. She knows me too well...

"The surprise is, you guys." Esther paused.

"SAY IT ESTHER." Avi shouts, causing Esther to stick out her tongue. I chuckle at this cute sibling rivalry.

"It is that you guys," Esther pauses again. Oh my god this girl...


Second chapter up :D Hope you guys like it.

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