Chapter 30 | Inspirational

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Time Skip: Date Day

Mitch's POV

I feel cold hands on my eyes, so I flip my head around and removed the hands with a smile on my face.

"Hi Taylor." I say smiling.

"Hi babe. I got you Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte" He said handing me the starbucks order.

I smile before standing up and pecking him on the cheek, and sipping the latte.

"Where are we going?" I ask, excitement lacing my voice. I haven't been on a date, in ages...

"I'm bringing you to a cute little restaurant and little private beach house, it'll be so fun." 

"I'm looking forward to it." I said smiling sweetly.

It's either I end this date making out with him or actually starting a steady relationship. Hmm... One outweighs the other...

I stand up and followed Taylor to his car, before I got in, he opened the car door for me and gave me a wink and a peck on the cheek.

"Oh how clique..." I sass, but smiled so he knew I was joking.

He smiles back and says, "I have more coming... A nice walk on the beach, some champagne... Some fun..." 

I laugh uncomfortably... but he didn't seem to notice.


"Here we are...  A table for Mr Mace?"

"Thank you" I gave a small smile to the waitress.

Taylor and I slid into a cute booth and when I was about to say something, my phone buzzed. I ignored it and decided on what to order but my phone kept buzzing, so I gave Taylor an apologetic smile and glanced at my phone.

Mr Grassi-Hoying: Mitch where are you?

Mr Grassi-Hoying: i need my afternoon cuddlezzz

Mr Grassi-Hoying: Mitch

Mr Grassi-Hoying: Babeee

I roll my eyes but had this weight on my chest when I read the messages. I liked it.

Me: I'm out...

Mr Grassi-Hoying: With whoo? Kirst?

He really is oblivious sometimes... Noodle.

Me: Taylor


Fucking Read. He left me on fucking read.

"So Mitch..." Taylor broke my thought.

I put my phone away and give him a dimpled smile.

"So Taylor..." I mimic him.

He laughed, "Tell me about yourself."

"What do you want to know?"

"Uhm, how good are you in bed?" He smirked.

"As good as you want me to be." I try to be confident but my burning cheeks gave it away.

He laughed louder, "You're funny. Maybe we should give it a g-"

"Here's your food for today. Enjoy your meal." The different waitress came and served our orders.

I looked at my food as I saw from the corner of my eye, that Taylor was already digging into the food.

I need to stop being so stupid. He's just teasing, he's not going to do anything. Even if he is, why am I resisting? It's not like this is new... I have one night stan-

"Is the food not good?" Taylor asked.


"Is the food not edible?" He repeated.

"No, sorry, I'm just thinking." I smile, picking up my fork and start eating.

"Today shouldn't be about thinking, you should let loose and just do. Do not think."

"Inspirational" I say sarcastically.

I notice him shifting closer to me. I felt his fingers under my chin pushing it up a bit too roughly. He connected his lips with mine. His eyes were closed, but mine were wide open. I felt his tongue shove into my mouth. That's when I pulled away, and looked down.

"You're a good kisser." He smirks and rests his hand on my thigh.

I tried to ignore it and continue eating.

I have never been so uncomfortable kissing someone...

But why?


Hey Y'all!

Sorry this is a day late but hey, it still got up right?

I had a lot of trouble writing this chapter. I think it's because there isn't much Scomiche in it...

But I have some coming up :)

I'm pretty excited for it.

~Lynn :*

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