Chapter 39 | Useless

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Scott's POV

"The only reason I hate you is because you keep saying that you don't need me, and I guess that's the fucking truth. Plus, I know I don't need you."

The second- No. The exact moment I'm saying these words, I regret them. Why did I say that?

I need him. Tell him I need him. Tell him that he's everything. Tell him that he's mine.

He looked at me for a moment, as I saw tears forming in his eyes.

I'm the reason he is crying. Me.

I watched him stand up from his bed and wince. Probably his hang-over. I try to reach out for him. But for some reason, I stayed. 

"I guess you're perfectly fine without me then. That's okay, it's not like I need you like fucking oxygen. It's not like I can't breath without you. It's not like I lov-"

No. I need you. No. I fucking need my Mitch. My Mitchie.

Wait was he about to say Love?

The next thing I knew. He was gone. Why did he leave? It was my fault. Why is my mouth against me?

He was gone.

But he's going to come home right?


I look over my shoulder to see his phone there charging. I unplugged it. Mitch never leaves without his phone. What have I done?

I unplug it and quickly ran after him, but he was already out the door and gone. He didn't even bring his wallet. No. 

I grab my phone and my wallet and immediately ran out to find Mitch. But once I reached our carpark, I felt a buzz. Mitch's phone. 

I looked at the screen.


Mitch's POV

I don't know how. But I ended up in Kirstie's house. I ended up on her shoulder crying.

Why did I have to be such a bitch? Why do I have to a whore? Why can't I keep my legs closed and stay with one person? But who would want to stay with me? Even Scott, my best friend for more than 10 years, doesn't need me. He hates me. I just want Scott. I want Scott for myself. I want Scott. I need Scott.

"Hey babe, it's okay." Kirstie tries to calm me down, "I need to know what happened, in order to help you."

"Scott... He-"

I want Scott.

"He did what?" Kirstie 

"He doesn't need me..." I choked.

I need him.

"Well you don't need him." Kirstie said instantly.

"You don't understand. I need him. I need him to fucking breath."

"I'm sorry that was stupid."

I shook my head, letting more tears flow.

"Call him?"

"I left my phone at home. And he doesn't want me anyways. I'm useless."

"You aren't usele-"

"I mean, i thought i was fine until he told me... He told me I was a fucking mistake. I'm a mistake. I'm a joke. I'm nothi-"

Suddenly, Kirstie stood up and walked to her room. After a while, I heard some mumbles. She's on the phone with someone.

Great. Now I pissed her off. I'm so fucking useless.

She probably wants me gone.

I stood up and walked towards her door. I opened the door and was ready to walk out.

"Mitch? Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

I turn around to meet Kirstie's glare.

"You don't want me here so I'm leav-"

"You are such an idiot, do you know that?" Kirstie interrupted.

I felt a jab in my heart. But she walked forwards and engulfed me in a hug.

"And I love you for that. I just hope... Hope that you have more confidence in yourself." Kirstie said, "You are worth so much. And you aren't nothing. Because you are everything."

I smiled before giving her another hug.

"Thanks Sc-Kirst."

My heart cracked knowing that I was wishing that Scott said that.

Kirstie seemed to notice my slip up because she smirked.

"I know I'm not Scott. But I'm the next best thing." She said shaking her hips.

"You are also the reason I'm gay" I said winking.

She whipped her face to glare at me, faking offence.

"I'm kidding. I'm kidding. You would be the only girl I would turn straight for." I said laughing.

"You know what, I'm so don-"

Before she got to finish, her phone started going off...

She froze before frowning a bit.

It must be Scott...


Hi you guys.

I feel dead. 

Let's just say I've had a bad last few days and I don't really know what the fuck I'm doing in life. But hey, it's just a phase.

Hope you liked the early chapter since I will be busy the whole day tomorrow.

I love y'all.

~Lynn :)

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