Chapter 12 | Check In

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Scott's POV

"Michelle, we are landing." I shake Mitch's shoulder lightly and his eyes flutter open.

"Hm... Already?" He stretches and lightly smacks me in the process. I pout and cross my arms.

"Aw, sorry Scottie." He says patting my cheek, and I chuckle. He's so cute when he just woke up. Especially in bed... what the hell am I thinking?

I shake my head and he said, "A queen will do what a queen will does."

I chuckle and nod my head, waiting for the plane to finally land.

"Okay, now that we landed, we have to check in and we will rest for today, we are going to the set tomorrow to get your performance organised. Oh and guys, tomorrow, there will be crew members that will tell you about filming the documentary. Just a heads up." Esther said finally facing up from her phone.

Avi put an arm around her shoulder while the rest all hummed in acknowledgement. I smiled at the sibling moment before getting into our cabs and arriving at the hotel. Once we arrived, we went to the check in counter and organised the room arrangements. Obviously, Mitch is with me. Kirstie with Esther, and Avi with Kevin.

"Hi, uhm, we are here to check-in." I gestured at the group not far behind me, chatting. "The 3 rooms are under Scott Hoying." I said to the lady at the counter. She had her hair tied up to a bun and she didn't look over 25.

"Okay... Wow" She said looking at me.

"Uhm. Is there something on my face?" I asked blushing.

"No, no. You look perfect." She said smirking...?

"Okay, so can we get our keys now?"

"Of course." She types some things into the computer before getting three packets of key cards writing something down on one of the packets before she leaned over the counter more than she needed to, and saying, "I'm Amber, I wrote my number down if you need help getting around the city." She winked at me before walking off.

I turned around slightly confused to see Mitch standing there with his arms crossed and glaring at me. He snatched the keys from my hands and handed them out before taking his suitcases and pulling them into a lift. The group separated into their rooms and when I reached the hotel room. Mitch slammed the door in my face, not letting me in... I didn't have a card... I rung the doorbell once. And again. And again. Before he finally answered.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked setting my bags down and sitting next to him at the end of one of the beds, that I guess he claimed was his.

"What do you mean what's wrong with me?" He squinted his eyes and glared at me.

"Don't throw that sass at me, Grassi." I said moving away from him bit.

"Are you actually kidding me?" He said, his voice getting higher at the end. He was getting mad...

"Okay, sorry, sorry, but what did I do to make you so mad?" I said scooting over to him again.

"You don't know?" He looked at me with a glint of guilt in his eyes when he looked me in the eye.

I shook my head lightly and he sighed.

Mitch's POV

How did he not know? The lady was obviously flirting with him, but he did nothing to push her away. Maybe I'm overreacting. I shouldn't even feel like this... Jealous. I'm jealous.

"She was flirting with you." I mumbled quietly.

"Sorry sweetie, I didn't hear you." he said tilting my chin higher. I didn't even notice I was staring at the ground.

"She was... She was flirting." I said a bit louder.

His face flashed confusion before realising what I was talking about.

He smirked and said, "Is Mitchie jealous?"

Of course.

I didn't say that, I just glared at him. My heart felt a little heavy as clique as that sounds.

"Okay, I won't tease you baby, but you shouldn't feel jealous. I'm gay." He said jokingly.

"You're Bi." I said frowning.

He laughed and said, "Yes, but not interested."

He pulled me into a hug and I immediately hugged back embracing the man in front of me. I smiled into the crook of his neck. He pulled away and kissed my forehead, nose and finally looked at me in the eyes. You're suppose to kiss my lips now... No Mitchell, What are you thinking?

"Why are you so irresistible?" He mumbled. I could feel my cheeks redden as well as his.

"Did I say that out loud?" He said moving under the blankets, and patting the empty space beside him, motioning for me to cuddle.

"Um hmm..." I hummed, gladly cuddling with him. I tangled my legs with his and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Well... It's the truth. It really is the truth..."


Hey guys! I made this chapter a bit longer and I owe you guys an explanation. Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I'm on holiday (FINALLY) and was quite busy, so I didn't get the chance to. Sorry :(

But here it is.

AND OMG. I can't handle the new album. I've been listening to it for the past 2 days. And I can't stop. Send help :')

My favourites (You can't make me choose): Ref, First Things First, Water, Take Me Home, New Year's Day, Light in the Hallway, Lean On.

But the whole album is SO... PERFECT.

Tell me your favourites in the comments. I'll reply to them :)



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