Twenty Two

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"Alexis! Okay. Okay. So I vote we go to Va-"

"Dallon. Slow down." Alexis laughs, moving her lunch over for Dallon to sit. Dallon rolls his eyes and sits down.

"Anyways. We'll go to Vanity and get you some clothes there. Then at Sephora they have tons of makeup and shit. And then we can go get skinny jeans and band shirts and stuff at Hot Topic. Deal?" Dallon suggests.

"Okay. Yeah. Cool. Is Tyler coming with?" Alexis asks, flicking her fringe out of her eyes.

"Of course!" Dallon laughs and looks over to see Tyler sitting next to the two.

"Hey homos. How're you, Alex?" Tyler says abruptly while sitting down.

"My name's Ale-" Alexis starts, getting cut off by Dallon.

"Her name's Alexis and her pronouns are she/her. You're going to go shopping with us and I'll pay for you to get a coffee from Starbucks." Dallon smiles, taking a grape from Alexis' lunch.

"Oh my god okay. And I'm fine." Alexis says sassily and flicks Dallon.

"Okay. Wow." Tyler laughs. "Sorry, Alexis. And that's good. Glad you're doing well. And thanks, Dal Pal. I appreciate it."

"Awesome! So uh, yeah. Cool. I drove here today so we can just go straight from here." Dallon smiles, looking at the two.

"Deal." Alexis sighs, packing up her lunch. "Thank you so so so so so much, Dallon."

"You're welcome. It's the least I could do." He smiles, getting engulfed in a hug by her.

"Thank you." She says, wiping away tears of joy. Dallon laughs and grabs a napkin from Tyler, handing her it. She smiles and dabs her eyes.

"The bell's gonna ring in three minutes. And I doubt you wanna look all red and puffy when you get into class." Tyler laughs, putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Yeah. Thanks." Alexis smiles, starting to put her lunch away. Dallon sighs and starts to stand.

"Cya after school?"

"Yep. What parking lot?"

"Junior. The minivan." Dallon smiles. "Cya there!"

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