Pain swept through me when someone take advantage of my pause and claws his paws on my back. I snarl and quickly kick Kael away and off my back. My back burn in pain but I ignore it as I face my instructor. Right, I have to knock him out in any way necessary than kill him.

I bare my teeth and growl at him. He didn't flinch with my Alpha aura as his eyes look like an empty shell. Instead, he taken my growl as a treat and leap toward me. I remember his lessons and steps like it was yesterday so I used it despite that I'm using it against a person that was close as a family to me. So I leap forward too and meet his attack.

Kael swings his claws at me again and I took a last second to dodge before I give a side kick on his open side and kick his ribs, not to hard to crack a bone but hard enough to make him breathless and weaken him. I heard him whined shortly before he counter back by snapping his jaws toward my neck. I hold him back with my wolf front legs and did a quick hard shove to remove his body and weight off me. I need to knock him out now but I'm having difficulty in doing so.

Kael jumps to me again and I seemed to lost my balance as he tackle and pin me down. I have to guard my neck at any cost now. He growl viciously with his emotionless, empty eyes stare right back at me as he doing his best to sink his fangs into my neck. Diane is a strong Alpha so she hold him away almost easily but with him trashing and trying to bite the flesh out of me. I can't kick him and throw him off me at this state but desperately need to stop him from attacking me. I caught a tree, large and wide on my right. An idea struck me and I hope the tree is strong enough for it.

I lower my defenses in a second to sink my fangs between his neck and shoulder. Kael howl in pain and I took the chance quickly to rolled him off me and kick his side as hard as I should with my hind legs and crash him to the tree. I watch as he flies and hit his head hard on the tree truck and fell down, un-moving. I could still hear his heart beating so I let out a sigh of relief but feeling a bit of guilt at the same time. 'Sorry Kael.'

I look at Veronica who was fighting with the one eye witch with her witch power. She was fast and lethal for a human. Plus, her movements are quick and certain in every spell that she cast while the one eye witch was having a difficult time to dodge and attack at the same time. She was floating or flying in the air, throwing some fire balls from her palm while Ica counter her attacks with ice.

Revelation settles in the witch eyes when she couldn't seemed to find a window to attack Ica back while Ica look like she was toying the poor witch. She can't win, not against Veronica. Right then, she spins herself in the air, creating a small tornado. Ica have to stop her attacks as the wind distract her sight for a sec. The witch suddenly stop and let out a high pitch of scream, causing me to whimper at the painful sound of it in my ears. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the rest of us are having the same pain and the werewolves whimpered at the sound.

Alex was on his knees with his hands on his ear. He shut his eyes close like he was focusing on something and when he opens his eyes, his pupils change into black with red circle in it. In flash, he got up and run toward the witch. He steps onto one of the wolves and leap into the air to get her. The siren stop as the witch was tackle by Alex. He hover her and I saw her fear surface. "No. You, you can't be him." She shuttered.

I heard a low snarl. "Well truth sucks, doesn't it?" He sneered before he sank his fangs into her neck. The witch let out a painful scream.

Ica was on her feet and quickly run toward him. "Alex! Stop! You're killing her!" She shouts.

Somehow her words was enough to bring Alex back in trance. He pulls away with blood dripping down from his mouth and got up as Ica knees beside the wounded eye witch. Alex took a step back and shut his eyes as he was calming himself down while Ica cast something to make her palm glow and heal the witch's wound. She look at Ica in confuse. "Why would you save me?"

The Silent Female AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now