It's tough being a nineteen girl. Not a kid anymore but still not old enough to drink either. There are so many decisions and choices. You have to actually think about what you want to do in your life, and push on figuring out who you want to be. This time, you're doing it alone. You don't have mom and dad there anymore to watch your every move; you don't have all the friendships you once had anymore. It's hard. Everyone knows that it's hard. It is also a great thing though. For starters you're finally free from all the rules your parents threw at you, and to continue, you get to just be you! You've taken a giant leap into adult hood and you get to explore the world around you. I know that I fell in love with the world I stepped into.


Scratch that..

"What?" I hiss into the earpiece as I continue to scale down the side of the very tall and slate building.

"You have five minutes. Be sure to watch out for the cameras all around you. If he sees you, you're dead."

"I know what I'm doing Jackson." I hiss shutting off the earpiece and continuing on with my job.

The camera swivels my way and I lay flat against the roof waiting for it to pass.

1 2 3... Up.

I push off the wall and continue on.

"Be careful."

"Shane, I'm fine ok? Now please let me focus on the task at hand. Just be sure you guys cover me."

"You know I always got your back."

"That's what partners are for." I say then pull from our telepathic connection.

I continue on down and duck out of the way as another camera flashes at me. My heart beats with adrenaline as I push back up.

"I've got a clear view of the opening. But it's small Jackson, smaller then I am. I don't think I can get through." I hiss into my earpiece.

"You have to find a way. Squeeze. Or his own family that he's taken hostage, is dead." He says and I huff shutting off the channel and releasing the rope. I drop the four stories down then catch myself against the window. I pull up on it and curse. It's jammed.

"We got a situation."

"What the hell is it Vea?"

"The damn window is jammed."

"Then shatter it!" He hisses and I take a deep breath to ease my anger.

"Look, if I shatter the glass he'll hear, and his family will be dead before we even get inside." I spit.

"Then what do you propose Neveah?" He asks and I reach into my back pocket. I smirk feeling the cool metal against my hand.

"I guess I'm just going to have to use a laser." I mutter then shut off the earpiece again and turn the laser point on.

"Shane I need you to tell me where the weakest point in this window is." I say feeling him slide into our conscious connection.

"Top right, there's a crack in the wood, start there."

The earpiece starts to buzz and I huff as Jackson's voice sounds.

"Whenever you're ready."
Aka: Bitch hurry the hell up. We're waiting...

Ok, so maybe not bitch but you get the gist.

I don't bother to answer him as I continue to burn the wood around the window. About two minutes later I hear a click and I smirk pushing the window in. I catch it before it falls and huff trying to hold onto it.

I bite down on my flashlight and shine it inside as I gently put the glass down on the ground. I pull my arm back out and grab onto the rope.

Ok, let's do this.

I stick my feet in and squeeze my way through. This is a tight hole, I'm not exactly sure how they fit a freakin window in here. I continue to push my way through cursing as I hear the ripping of my jeans. I finally squeeze all the way in and land in a crouch below. I look down at my black jeans and sigh realizing it's just a small tare. Nothing too serious.

"I'm in." I mutter then leave the room and creep down the hallway. My heeled boots click gently against the hardwood floor and I stop in my tracks, hearing whimpering and crying coming from downstairs.

Glass shatters and I quicken my pace.

I make my way down the stairs then press my back against the wall and click my bullets in place. I poke my head around the corner and see the wife crying and rocking back and forth as she holds her daughter tightly against her. Farther to their left with his back to me, that's our bad guy. He holds a beer bottle in one hand and his belt in the other. The mother's eyes land on me and I press my finger to my lips. She quickly looks away as he turns to face them and the belt buckle glistens in the moonlight.

"I love the look on your faces right now. Complete fear. It gives me such pleasure." He spits stumbling over to them.

"He's drunk." I hiss in my mind to Shane.

"How bad is it?"

"He hasn't hurt them yet. I made eye contact with the mother, she's without injury."

"Ok, let's try and keep it that way, we're set up out here just tell us when."

"Wait, something is off about him." I mumble looking him up and down. My eyes land directly on the cobra tattoo wrapping around his arm and images flood my brain. I'm knocked from my feet and I stumble back against the wall.

"What was that!?" Our bad guy shouts and I shake my head coming too. He turns the corner and finds me. He grabs me roughly and throws me to the ground. I shake my head again, my vision re focusing and I catch his fist as he throws a punch at me. I shove him back then stand up and make myself bigger. I throw my power at him and he growls as he's thrown back against the wall, splintering the wood and flying through into another room.

"Now." I hiss and next thing I know the door is kicked down. Shane, Jackson, and the others run in and grab the wife and child.

"Get them out of here! I'll take care of him!" I shout running into the room.

"You shouldn't have done that." He hisses. I go to spin around but he's too quick. I gag as he wraps his arms around me and squeezes. Air instantly leaves me and I reach weakly. My hand connects with something and I slam it back into his head then ram my head back. His nose cracks and I spin kicking him again as he releases me. He deflects my next blow and I call on my powers. I catch him in a field then spit blood out of my mouth. He bangs on the force field but we both know he's not getting anywhere anytime fast.


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