Madison nodded, 'I shall be with my mama.' Rankin offered his arm to Madison and walked purposefully back into the ballroom. He found the Sanfords engaged in conversation with one of the dreaded dowagers of the ton. Rankin was certain the baron would apreciate being rescued.

'Baron Sanford,' Rankin tugged at his cuffs nervously. 'I have an excellent bottle of brandy from the continent. Perhaps you care to join me in the library to sample it.'

Stanton looked at his wife. She nodded with a smile. 'It will be my pleasure Earl Swain.' Rankin strode ahead leading the way to his library. He cleared his throat, opened his drinks cabinet and removed his imported bottle of rather expensive brandy. Stanton observed the old teakwood furniture. It was well polished. The scent of lavender and beeswax was feint in the air. The weathered cushioned sofas were faded. One was fraying at the seam. The well worn burgundy carpet had seen better days.

'There you go,' Rankin poured Stanton a single portion of the rich amber liquid, as they still had to take supper.

'It certainly is a fine brandy,' Stanton smiled. He breathed the aroma, and sipped on it, savouring the taste of the potent drink.

'Baron Stanton, there is a matter I wish to discuss with you,' Rankin pointed to the ancient uncomfortable looking sofas.

'Certainly,' Stanton reluctantly lowered himself on one of the decrepit sofas.

Rankin took a deep breath, 'Baron Stanton, I wish to declare for Lady Madison. My family name is long established in the ton. I shall be honoured if you would consent to my betrothal to your most charming daughter.'

Stanton took a moment to digest the offer. Whilst Rankin lacked finances, he had a considerable estate, the family seat here in Craggvale and a cottage in London. His rather extravagant dowry to his daughter would set Madison up for the rest of her life. Granted Rankin will hold the purse of Madison's dowry, but his daughter would be well provided for.

'Yes I agree to your offer Earl Swain,' Stanton stood up and sealed it with a handshake, 'however the final decision rests with my daughter. If she accepts your offer, then you may have her hand in marriage.'

'Good, very good,' Rankin laughed nervously. 'I have taken the liberty and offered to Lady Madison, and I am to inform you, that delightful Lady Madison has accepted.

'Then it calls for a celebration,' Stanton smiled.

'Shall I call the ladies in?' Rankin smiled. Stanton nodded. As he cast another critical look around the library, he knew Rankin was marrying his daughter for her dowry, he hoped his daughter would be happy and well taken care of.

'Mama, shall we walk into the garden. It is a lovely night.
Rachael smiled. Her daughter had something on her mind, she obviously wanted to talk. At ease they followed the meandering path that wound its way between the colourful rose bushes. Water cascaded from a nearby fountain into the lily pond. The full moon was out and the evening was still warm. When they were out of earshot of the other guests, Madison burst out, 'mama, Earl Rankin has offered for me.'

'Already!' her mother was surprised. 'I did not realize he would declare so quickly.'

'You knew he would?' Madison laughed, forcing herself to look happy. 'He is seeking papa's approval, as we speak.'

Rachael nodded. 'Are you happy darling? If you are then your father and I will be happy for you as well.'

'Yes mama, I am happy to wed Earl Rankin,' Madison avoided looking at her mother. 'I am making the right choice. I am sure of it.'
Rankin is an upstanding gentleman of the ton. Surely it would be a convenient marriage. Madison sensed she was trying to convince herself more than she was her mother. Rachael was an astute woman and instinctively as a mother, perhaps she perceived her daughter may have been too hasty. 'Then you have our blessings child. Let's join your papa,' Rachael led her daughter back inside.

Betrothed to the wrong gentleman: Historical FictionWhere stories live. Discover now