Chapter Twenty Two

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The weather forecast for today said there's gonna be a blizzard, and it seems to be true because the wind started howling just when Jongsuk and I arrived home. We both sat in the kitchen with a cup of hot chocolate to warm ourselves. I just silently waited for the bomb to drop, and after a while, Jongsuk finally took a deep breath to break the silence.

"Haru-ya, how long have you been in a relationship with that boy?" he asked with a piercing stare.

I took a deep breath to be as calm as I can during this 'interrogation.' "Two weeks. But I've known them all for quite some time now."

"There's something about them that makes me uneasy. Are they some kind of gang or something?"

"No, they're not. They're all very nice guys, and some of them even could be a comedian if they'd want to." I laughed, but Jongsuk remained serious. I pursed my lips. "And they never even skip classes. Oppa, you're the one who said to not judge the book by its cover."

"Do they always go around in a group like that?"

"Yes, the guys all live in the same dorm. They're practically brothers, and they take care of each other very well. They can be very mature when needed despite their young age."

"You mean they don't live with their parents?"Jongsuk's face hardened.

"No, all of their parents live in Seoul." I nervously bit my lip, knowing that it will make him more uneasy. The fact that I'm acquainted to an unknown group of guys living in the outskirt of the town without their parents nor any legal guardian would make any parents nervous. Sure, Jongsuk isn't my parent, but he already considered himself as one after my real parents died.

"There's a reason why they're placed here and I assure you, it's not a bad one. Their parents wanted them to learn how to be independent." I explained it to him in the most basic way possible so he wouldn't have to pry any further.

"And if it means anything to you, they all actually have strong family backgrounds back in Seoul. If they wanted to, they could live their life leisurely if they come back to Seoul." I added the fact that I think most parents would want to hear. Though, Jongsuk still didn't look impressed.

"Oppa, I know you're just worried about me but I'm telling you, you don't have to."

"Actually, my main reason for this visit is to take you with me." I groaned in frustration because Jongsuk once again mentioned the topic that I hate the most every time we have a conversation.

"Oppa, we already talked about this a hundred times before! I don't want to go to Japan!" I whined.

"It doesn't have to be Japan." he quickly argued.

"Haru-ya, just please try to put yourself in my position and think about it again. Do you know how many times I have nightmares about you because you're living alone here in the middle of nowhere?"

"But I'm fine the way I am here. Besides, we still communicate all the time so it's not like you know nothing about me." I tried to maintain eye contact to prove that I was determined to stay.

"Well I didn't know that you had a boyfriend already, and that you joined his gang or whatever it is." I sighed exasperatedly. Of course he would bring up that topic again. I don't know anymore how else I am supposed to convince him. In the end, I just fell silent as I drank my chocolate to the last drop.

"I actually didn't want to break the news to you like this, but I think I don't have any choice." He sound a bit apologetic, and it made me nervous.

"What news?"

"I already met your homeroom teacher, Mr.Choi, while you were still in class earlier. I'm withdrawing you from St.Lupus High, and today was your last day in that school."

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