Chapter Twenty One

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It's been a week since the incident at the underground cubicle. School just feels so boring now as I started to lose interest at it because I think I'd be able to do much more productive things if I just stay at the Hellions' dorm.

I could study about our abilities, learn how to control my excessive power, and most of all, look for a way to talk to our inspirit. Good thing it's already the last day of school because winter breaks will start tomorrow, and it will last for two weeks. I finally can spend more time researching with the Hellions, even though for the past weeks I basically spent most of my free time at their dorm and only go back to my house to sleep. They keep on insisting that I'm always welcome to stay with them all the time, but I just don't have the heart to abandon my house.

On the other hand, the boys had been going back and forth to Seoul to find more information from some old books in what they call the "Ability Library." Though, they've been going in and out secretly because it's guarded by the Elders, and we wouldn't really want them to know about my case because they might take it negatively and end up punishing me like what they did to the first Superior anima. Tao said it would be better if we resolve this matter on our own without the Elders' intervention. He said he doesn't trust the Blood Leader who's in reign right now because of what they've been through before.

Anyway, I'm at school right now boredly waiting for the last period to pass. I kept myself entertained by watching the grey sky outside my class window. The weather had been bad lately and snow has piled up in every part of the town. Huh, Xiumin must be happy. It'll be like a huge playground for him.

When the bell finally rang, I yanked my school backpack and hurriedly left the classroom. I waited for the upperclassmen near the main staircase, and like usual, Chanyeol was the first one who arrived.

He placed his arm on my shoulders--which has actually become his habit now--as we walked towards the school gate. The others caught up not so long after and as usual, we started walking out of the building as a group. When we got to the school gate, we saw students crowding at something or maybe someone. And as a person who needs to "know it all," Baekhyun decided to join the crowd to see what the fuss was about. He came back to us a few minutes later.

"I think he's a celebrity or something. Most of the girls are swooning around him. What is he doing in front of our school anyway?" Baekhyun broke the news to us even though no one really cared. My phone suddenly buzzed so I picked up without even looking at the caller ID.


"Haru-ya, I'm at your school gate now. When will you come out?" My eyes widened, unable to believe the voice that I heard on the other line.

"Jinjja?" smilingly, I looked at the crowd behind us and hurriedly ran towards it, ignoring Chanyeol's curious shout. I squeezed through the crowd and eventually, the man inside the crowd who was leaning against a sport car saw me too.

"My little midget, I missed you!" he hugged me tight, then lifted me and swung me around like a dad who just met his little daughter. And he still call me with that foolish nickname that he gave me since I was three. I hit his shoulder in an attempt to make him put me down, because it was seriously embarrassing to be treated like a five year old in front of a crowd.

"Oppa when did you arrive? Why didn't you call me before?" I asked after he put me down. By the way, this man is the only other person in this world that I called oppa besides Chanyeol. He's my beloved cousin Lee Jongsuk. I missed him so much too because it's been almost a year since I last saw him.

"I already said I'll be coming over on your winter break. I called your homeroom teacher and he informed me your winter breaks start tomorrow, so that's why I'm here now." He explained as a matter of fact.

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