"Listen, Luce, we can't tell you. We promised," Xander said, smiling at me sadly.

Typical...this always happened. We'd schedule group hang outs and Jackson would either never show up or show up late. And every time I'd try to asked Xander and Tony where he was they'd give me the same answer. They promised not to tell me.

I was slowly starting to get sick of this. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye so I looked over to Bella and Rachel and I could see Bella and Rachel, scratching their chins with their hands. What the hell?

They're all acting super weird right now and I was getting upset.

"Listen," I started as I walked closer to the much taller boy and grabbed him by his shirt yanking him down so that we were face to face,"I've been through this with you guys for almost a year now. I'm tired of it. Now either you tell me where my boyfriend is, or I castrate you. I will cut off your baby makers and your dick. Then I will boil them in a pot of very hot fire. Understood?"

I know it was a little violent but I'm tired of being lied to. Plus, I'm half Cuban. I've got a lot of Cuban rage.

"H-he's at his house having sex with Ashlyn Robinson!!" Xander quickly said, his eyes wide with fear. I froze...

"H-H-He's w-w-what?" I stuttered out, my grip on Xander's shirt.

"I'm sorry, Luce," Xander said quietly.

"You're lying," I said, shaking my head quickly.

"I promise you I'm not," Xander said, his eyes looked into mine and I could tell he was being completely honest. I let go of Xander's shirt and took a few steps away from Xander.

"Lucy," Xander started, his hand reached out to me but I yanked my arm away from his.

"Lucy, are you okay?" Bella asked me, her voice was quiet as if she were afraid I was going to break down. I spun around and glared at her.

"You knew!" I pointed at her accusingly.

"Lucy," Bella took a step towards me and grabbed my hand. I yanked my hand from hers and glared at her.

"You knew he was cheating on me! You knew all this time! How?! Huh?! Did you fuck him too? Is that it?!" I shouted, I knew people in the mall were looking at us but I didn't care. I was like so beyond pissed.

It made it even worse when a look of guilt flashed across Bella's face. My heart broke at that moment. Not only is my boyfriend cheating on me, he also cheated on me with my best friend.

"H-how could you?" My voice wavered.

"I'm so sor,-" she didn't get the chance to finish before my hand made contact with her face.

The boys and Rachel gasped as Bella's face snapped to the left. She raised her head and looked at me with a look of complete shock. I was shocked myself. I have never been one for violence but this was a major betrayal and I had just wanted to so desperately hit her.

I looked away from the shocked look on the face of my ex best friend and at Xander and Tony.

"I have something you can tell, Jackson," I reached over and snatched the smoothie from Tony's hand, I grabbed him by his shirt with my free hand and yanked him down, then I poured. I poured the entire smoothie on his head. Tony's jaw dropped as his entire strawberry banana smoothie was dumped on his head,"Tell him to never speak to me again."

I let him and took a step back. I looked at all of my friends.

"None of you speak to me again. Guess the saying is true, with friends like mine who needs enemies. Lose my number, unfollow me on everything. I'm done with you guys," I looked at my ex best friend one last time,"I hope sleeping with my boyfriend was worth losing 11 years of friendship. Don't catch an STD."

I spun on my heels and walked away from my ex friends.

That was when the tears started to fall. I wiped my face as I made my way outside the mall.

Great I'm heartbroken. I'm almost 15 years old and my heart has already, literally been shattered into a billion pieces.

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