Annoying Complaints

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Hey guys....


You see I love you all do dearly but if you gonna comment and complain about how your petty ass don't like something then guess what?

Don't read! It was a warning in the synopsis of the story saying if it make you uncomfortable then don't damn read but I shouldn't have to tell you grown up people to not be petty. This story has grown up material and if you reading it that means you're grown so don't be a kid because I wrote a straight sex scene.

Don't tell me you're gonna skip it because you don't have to tell me anything and if you telling me then you doing it to get on my nerves. Kids do that stuff, keep it to yourself and don't blow up my notifications saying "I hate that you're writing straight sex "
I'm bisexual which means I eat the pussy and luck me some d*ck. I can do both so I'm comfortable writing gay and straight scenes. Don't read if you don't like it.

Good day my lovlies.

Remember; Pettiness is not prettiness. I'll update again and for my kind readers.

Peace and hair grease. I love you all, excuse me if I sound out of line but I got to set it straight for some people.

Love Bree 😍😘🙀

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