Twenty Seven ~ Wonderland

Start from the beginning

"And so did Stiles." Sheriff Stilinski added.

Brianna stood up despite the pain and placed her hand on the area that hurt. Once she removed her hand from her belly she grimaced at the amount of blood on her hands. Shit. To not cause any more questions that were bound to fly her way, she wiped it on her jeans and turned to everybody.

"I don't have much time," She said breathlessly. "If I don't go now he'll suspect somethings. So, Allison I am so sorry ... you need to know that I wouldn't actually shoot you. And everyone else, I'm sorry but I'm doing this to save people. Trust me on this." Brianna said, rolling up her sleeves before sighing. "Just stay safe, okay?"

The blonde began strutting towards the door. Nobody knew how to stop her so they let her go past. Except Derek. The injured boy stood up and grabbed one of Argent's guns. "Brianna," he called out to her.

"What Der-" Brianna replied as she began to turn around. Noticing that the gun was pointed in her direction she cut herself off. "Derek please." She pleaded, putting her hands up. "I'm doing this for you, for all of you."

"Yeah," he sighed. "Well I'm doing this for you." He replied. She was very confused. How was killing her going to help anything? The confusion soon went though when she blacked out from something hitting her head. Derek didn't shoot her but he did knock her out by throwing the gun full force at her head. With a sad look he picked her up from the floor and cradled the girl who was half like his sister and half his daughter. "Catch," he mumbled.

"Is she okay?" Kira questioned the thought on everybody's mind.

Derek nodded, "She'll be fine. Just a bit unconscious. We need somewhere to take her, preferably a place he won't find her."

"This is putting her in more danger," Allison reminded.

"No." Derek stated. "We're saving her from herself."

A stunned silence filled he air until it was filled by the sound of Scott's footsteps. The alpha was now walking up to Derek. The werewolves had a conversation purely in looks. Finally Derek gave the blonde girl to Scott. After a nod to Kira they headed back outside to take Brianna to the McCall household.


Gasps for air made everybody turn to the blonde. As she tuck in the desired air she frantically began to look around. The whole experience of being unconscious was not a pleasant one. Realising she was in the McCall house she tried to stand up but nearly tripped over. Only nearly because Scott was there to place her back on the sofa before she did. Brianna glanced at the group of people before frowning at her hands and feet.

"You tied me up?" Brianna questioned in disbelief. None of them replied, instead they all stared at the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the entire world. "I have done all of this for you!" She yelled, struggling to get out of her grip.

Suddenly Deaton looked up, the first person to make eye contact with the girl. It kind of made her nervous though, so she diverted her eyes from his own to what his hands were doing. They were pulling out a brown bottle of liquid from a doctors bag. "What is that?" Brianna questioned.

"You want to be untied? This is the alternative." Deaton explained calmly.

"I'm not the enemy here." Brianna replied. Knowingly she glanced to Void who was sat unconscious next to her. "We all know who really is."

Slowly Deaton began to approach the pair on the sofa. In worry that she hadn't persuaded them, Brianna leaned backwards in an attempt to defend herself. Instead Scott and Aiden held Void's mouth open. Deaton placed a couple of drops of whatever it was on his tongue before Void's eyes shot open. The evil man grabbed hold of Aiden's throat.

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