Twenty Seven ~ Wonderland

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Void and Brianna had been sitting in the loft for less than an hour before sheriff Stilinski finally showed up. Void had been explaining the plan to Brianna to fill the silence. He was going to cause some chaos to fill up his thirst for chaos, strife and pain but as soon as the sun went down he'd vanish so the oni doesn't kill him. Turns out Brianna can't be the only person protecting him against them, he needs more. More protection, more chaos, more strife, more pain, more everything.

"You want to handcuff me?" Void questioned. Stilinski was stood in front of the two of them - mostly who he though was his son - holding one handcuff. Brianna remained silent when the sheriff looked at her. Nobody knew how much it was hurting her, all of this. It was killing her inside.

"If my son is still here, if there's still a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me, because he knows I'm here to protect him from himself and from others, including Brianna." The elder man replied. Brianna didn't respond to the remark about her. It was her choice. She was doing this to save people, not hurt them. The pair who weren't possessed watched carefully as Void slipped into the handcuffs.

"You're not my son." Sheriff said after a moment. Brianna glanced away as she used her magic to break the cuffs. As soon as she turned back to the sheriff he looked at her in shock. All she wanted to do was cry to him and tell her that she's doing all of this to save Stiles. Their Stiles. His son and her everything.

Just like predicted Allison, her father and Derek walked into the room. They surrounded Void and Brianna, who were stood in front of Stiles's father, in a kind of warning to them both. Derek attempted to make eye contact with Brianna so many times but she couldn't do it. At least not around Void.

But the fact she was looking anywhere Derek's way turned into a blessing. It helped her block the taser Allison had attempted to shoot Brianna's way. Another thing Void had predicted, they'd be reluctant to hurt them - especially Brianna. Using the magic Brianna had firstly put up to block the taser she grabbed the taser and pulled it out of grasp. It took all she had not to send Allison an apology look.

Realising Allison's method didn't work, Derek was up next, growling at Void. The attempt wasn't that good. Even though Brianna refused to hurt Derek or anybody else - something else Void had predicted but didn't voice - he still managed to loose the fight. Effortlessly, Void pushed Derek away which caused the werewolf to bang his head on the table before being pushed into the wall.

Out of nowhere Argent held up a pistol towards Void. Just like the backup plan had instructed, stealthily Brianna retrieved her own automatic pistol from her boots and held it up towards the elder Argent. "Put it down." Brianna ordered sternly.

"Argent, listen to me, don't do this." Sheriff Stilinski added. In a way he sounded kind of calm but anybody could tell he was extremely concerned for his son safety.

"Why not? I've done it before. Werewolves, Berserkers. I can easily add a Nogitsune to the list."

Everybody's eyes widened when Stilinski pulled out his gun and turned it on Argent, "You're not going to shoot my son." Sheriff stated in anger. Brianna glanced to Void who seemed to be mockingly laughing. Noticing that she was looking at him he nodded to Brianna to show that she was doing a good job.

"You said it yourself, Sheriff, that's not your son."

"Put it down!" Brianna yelled. "Put it down now or I will shoot you."

Argent shook his head, "You're not going to shoot me Brianna."

"Why not?" She called back, trying to mask the shake in her voice. "All I see is you giving me a good reason to shoot you. Put the gun down, Argent."

HELL ☉ S. STILINSKI [ 3 ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt