Thirteen ~ Taken

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Brianna paced around the staff room impatiently. Tonight of all nights she had to work a late shift at the hospital. That is just brilliant timing. The reason she was so worried was because she had a gut feeling that something was up. About ninety percent of the time she got one of those feelings Lydia was in danger. So every two minutes she texted somebody the same thing: are you all okay?

Suddenly her phone rang and without looking at the caller ID she answered it, "Hello? Lydia? Stiles? Derek? Scott? Anybody?!"

"Stiles." Her boyfriend replied simply. "Why do I get the feeling you know something's wrong?"

"Wait, I'm right?" She said, eyes widening. All thoughts of what could've gone wrong began spinning around in her brain. She asked the first one that came to mind, "Is Lydia okay?"

"Um- Scott, is Lydia okay?" The sound that came from it was muffled so she could tell that Stiles had his phone to his chest. There was some more muffled talking before Stiles spoke to her again. "It um- how do I explain this?"

"Preferably quickly before I pass out from nerves."

"Okay, okay. We know who the Darach is, it's Jennifer. Our English teacher. Lydia screamed when Jennifer tried to strangle her so luckily Scott managed to save her. Somebody else turned up to help as well. My dad."

Brianna looked down at the floor in worry, "Stiles, please tell me that-"

"She took him." He stated, confirming her thought. Brianna bit her lip, letting out a sigh beforehand. "But Derek has Jennifer and we're heading to the hospital. We thought you should be prepared."

"No, you can't come here!" Brianna practically yelled. "The storm, it's hit the hospital and we're starting an evacuation in less than five minutes. Everybody critical, like Cora, will be gone soon."

"Then you need to keep her here until we can make it." He stated in a stern tone. Brianna opened her mouth to object but the line cut off due to the storm.

The blonde cursed under her breath before walking out of the staff room. By the hectic look of things evacuation had already started. The familiar sound of Melissa snapped Brianna's head her way. Scott's mom didn't say much because of the rush but she did say that Brianna needed to help evacuate people.

Obviously Brianna had an other mission. Trying not to draw attention to herself, Brianna headed to Cora's room and saw Peter. "What's going on?" He questioned.

"The hospitals being evacuated but we need to keep Cora inside."


She sighed, "Derek, Scott and Stiles have a plan."

"And you trust that this is going to work?" He asked her in a stunned tone. She thought for a second before shaking her head. The blonde took a couple of steps closer to Cora and pushed some hair out of her face. "Are you sure there's no warlock voodoo you can do?"

"She threw up mistletoe," Brianna reminded. "That can be fatal to even the strongest of warlocks."

Since the two supernaturals eyes were fixed onto Cora, the twins took the opportunity to sneak up on them. But they forgot one crucial thing. Brianna was very good at sensing when somebody was sneaking up on her. The boys didn't even have a chance to get into the room when Brianna punched them both in the face simultaneously. It probably hurt her more than it did them but she didn't show it.

The twins growled at her. While they took their time to create mega-wolf, Brianna and Peter made an escape with Cora. Neither of them had any idea why they was going after them but it's not like they was going to stop running to quiz them on it. Out of nowhere Peter pushed Brianna and an unconscious Cora into a storage cupboard. After she was pushed Brianna slipped on some black blood that had dropped out of Cora's mouth and slid into a room that wasn't the storage cupboard.

HELL ☉ S. STILINSKI [ 3 ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt