Four ~ Control

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"So, are you going to tell me why Derek freaked out when I said you was in the bank?"

"Nope." Brianna replied bluntly to Allison while she was driving Brianna back to the Hale loft.

"What about who was so important you had to run after that you didn't check on Boyd?"

Brianna rolled her eyes, "I wouldn't say he was important."

"Is anything you're going to say not be vague or am I just wasting my time asking questions?" Allison asked in a half joking manner.

Brianna pursed her lips as she turned to look at her friend. There was a moments silence before Brianna asked her own question, "I have something to ask myself, Miss Argent. Do you know who the girl in the volt was?"

"Derek said a name ... Cora, I think?" Allison asked. "I gave you an answer now you give me one, did you know that my mother tried to kill Scott?"

"Yes," Brianna admitted, nodding slowly. "I was there, I would've told you sooner but-"

"It's okay." She stated. Neither of them spoke after that. Allison pulled up outside of the loft and leant over Brianna to push open her door. The blonde waved lamely at her friend before heading inside.

Brianna had barely stepped one foot into the room when she was wrapped into a hug. The smell of familiar aftershave made her smiled and wrap her hands around the boy. Stiles began stating that he was glad that she was alive and he was worried sick. "You have such little faith in me," Brianna teased him as they pulled away from the hug. "I can take care of myself Stiles."

"The smell of blood says otherwise." Another voice stated cockily. Brianna looked behind him to see Peter sat on her sofa looking very at home.

"Did I invite you into my house?"

He turned to her with a smug look planted on his face, "Derek's house." He reminded. "So please share with us the fascinating story of why your hand is bleeding?"

Immediately Stiles gripped hold of Brianna's wrists and examined the hands in front of him. Brianna sighed, stepping away from him to head towards the spiral staircase. All she wanted to do was chill out in her room but she couldn't even have that with Peter around.

"I saw Him." Brianna shared the information with the boys. Peter suddenly seemed intrigued as he sat up, turning towards her in the process. "I didn't catch him. He hasn't got any slower in his old age I'll tell you that."

"Did you at least see anything that you could trace him with? Or better yet did He drop anything?" Peter questioned.

"Nothing," Brianna sighed. She turned to her utterly confused boyfriend and beckoned him upstairs. With every step she grew more nervous about what she was about to expose to him.

The day had come to tell him about her past, she always knew it would happen but she didn't think it would be so soon. "I was going to tell you the long drawn out story." Brianna stated to him once they reached her room. Stiles sat on her bed as she began searching around her room. "But I might as well just show you."

"What is that?" Stiles questioned as she sat next to him with a large brown book.

"A spell book." She said in 'duh' tone. "One of the oldest and most expensive ones in the whole of warlock history. There's something in here that I need."

The blonde began skimming through the pages until she landed on a specific one. It was slap bang in the middle of the book. The spell was spread out over two pages that had two handprints on. In a cautious manner Brianna placed Stiles's hand on one of the handprints before putting hers on the other. After they were strategically placed she spoke the Latin words of the spell.

HELL ☉ S. STILINSKI [ 3 ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt