Fourteen ~ Unlike

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"Derek, come on!"

Both Brianna and Stiles were now kneeling over Derek's body. All hope of waking him up seemed lost until Brianna got fed up, pushed Stiles backwards and punched Derek with as much force as her shaky hand could find inside of her. The hand of Brianna was shaking so much due to what Stiles had explained to her when he came back.

Scott had gone with Deucalion in hope to stop Jennifer and get his mom and Stiles's dad back. Yeah, it was that bad.

Derek's eyes burst open and without moving he surveyed the room. "Where is she?" He asked.

"Jennifer? Gone with Scott's mom." Stiles replied

"She took her?"

"Yeah, and if that's not enough of a kick to the balls, Scott left with Deucalion, okay? So we gotta get you out of here. The police are coming right now, and we gotta get you the hell out of here." Stiles recapped frantically.

Brianna grabbed Derek's arm and began to pull him up off the ground. Of course Derek had to ask about Cora and Brianna swallowed the sibling jealousy and explained she was with Isaac. Once Derek was off of the floor Stiles decided it would be best for he and Brianna to stay here and try and explain the entire mess of the situation. Out of all of them the couple were the best liars. Relationship goals.

Brianna and Stiles were sat in the two chairs in front of the main desk. They were barely talking and Brianna was playing with her finger nails as she tried to figure out what she was going to say to her father. She needed as much information as she could do she decided it would be best to think about the conversation beforehand.

Indistinct chatter interrupted Brianna's mental conversation when she heard Stiles sigh sarcastically that something was perfect. In confusion Brianna looked up to see a lanky man walking over to them. It didn't take long for Brianna to recognise him at all. Oh hell no, I cannot be dealing with the one McCall I hate. Agent McCall.

"A Stilinski at the center of this whole mess. What a shocker. Also, nice to see that you're back in Beacon Hills, Brianna." The man mused. "But do you think you and Stilinski could answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?"

"If you ask the questions without the usual level of stupid." Stiles responded.

Agent McCall pursed his lips and looked away for a second before turning back and narrowing his eyes at Stiles, "Where's your dad, and why's no one been able to contact him?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen him in hours."

"Is he drinking again?" Agent McCall asked.

With a huff Stiles glanced at his lap, "What do you mean, again? He never had to stop." He defended his father.

Anger grew on Brianna's face as she put an arm in front of Stiles protectively. "Correct me if I'm wrong, which I'm pretty sure I'm not, but I don't think wether Stiles' dad has or has not been drinking has gotten anything to do with what happened here." The blonde rose an eyebrow at the elder man whom she despised.

Ever since a young Brianna became friends with an equally as young Scott and Stiles there was always something off with her about agent McCall. When the year of doom resulted in Scott's father leaving, Brianna guessed the off feeling was trying to warn her about the situation. That guessing work was confirmed when Stiles explained to her what he'd overheard and swore her to secrecy. Back then the only thing Stiles and Brianna agreed on was not telling Scott about his father, it would've broken him.

"It might have nothing to do with it but it could also have everything to do with it. I'm just trying to get all the facts." Agent McCall replied to Brianna then turned to Stiles once again. "He did have to slow down though. Is he drinking like he used to?"

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