Twenty Four ~ Seconds

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Times like that night were the times were Brianna's mothers philosophy came into use. We do not grieve until the war is over. Luckily before Brianna could break down again that simple statement was drilled back into her head. All she could think about was stopping the inevitable disaster that was sure to happen.

So Brianna ran. She ran through she wave of worried doctors and patients. She ran down the corridors. She ran down the stairs since she couldn't bring herself to wait for an elevator. She ran until she ended up outside and that's when she knew the fiasco had already begun.

A crashed ambulance had caused a water pipe to spring a leak. In any other circumstance it wouldn't have been that bad, unfortunately the leak wasn't the only problem. Somehow a wire fizzling with electricity had made its way from the roof and into the water. Anybody who stepped into it would be shocked immediately, from the looks of things Brianna guessed it could even be fatal.

Just like Kira, Brianna began yelling for people to get back. The blonde, while calling for people to run away as fast as they can, began to make her way over to a familiar car that had just pulled up. Obviously she was careful not to step into the water, that was seeping in every direction quickly, as she side stepped.

"Allison, watch out!" Brianna called to them when she saw Allison about to step into the water. Her eyes widened even more when Isaac pushed her out of the way which caused the water to wrap around his feet.

"Isaac!" The two girls chorused in fear as he fell to the floor after being electrocuted.

Brianna began to sprint towards Isaac. She didn't know what she would do when she got to him since she couldn't step onto the water either. But she knew she couldn't just stand there. Brianna had to help him. Though, she stopped running in awe as she watched Kira. Kira had basically done a backflip over the car and landed into the large electrical puddle. But nothing happened to her. Kira didn't fall to the floor from the electric, in fact she did quite the opposite, she grabbed the flailing electrical wire and placed her hand over the sparking, stopping it and causing her eyes to glow orange.

As soon as Brianna was somewhat sure the water was safe she sprinted to Isaac's aid. The blonde checked to see if he was breathing. And he wasn't. Panicking, Brianna called to Scott and Derek that Isaac wasn't breathing. She didn't know what to do. She was still only a teenager. This was all beyond her. But she couldn't let Isaac die, she just couldn't.

"Scott, please!" Brianna yelled over to him. "He's not breathing! Derek he's not breathing! Scott!"

Derek ran over to them, pressing his ear to Isaac's chest, "He's not breathing." He mumbled. "Scott, he's not breathing!"

"Come on Isaac." Brianna pleaded desperately. "Please don't die on me."


Two days. Forty eight hours. Two thousand eight hundred and eighty minutes. One hundred and seventy two thousand and eight hundred.

Two days of research. Two days of ignoring everybody's calls. Two days of staying barricaded in her room. Two days of Isaac being unresponsive in the hospital. Two days of not seeing or hearing from Stiles. Two days of absolutely nothing.

The research Brianna had been doing to see if the Nogitsune had done anything supernaturally illegal. Obviously killing people was pretty illegal but Brianna was thinking more on the possessing side of things. If the Nogistune had really possessed Stiles then maybe he's done something wrong by that since Stiles was only a teenager and he had never killed a person himself.

Unfortunately all of her research came to a dead end. Though, Brianna guessed it was a good thing. If somehow the Nogistune had illegally possessed Stiles, how would they even get him to the council? They haven't heard from him in tow days, Brianna doubted he'd willingly go with them to the council. Everybody knew about the council, they didn't take crimes lightly.

HELL ☉ S. STILINSKI [ 3 ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt