Twenty Two ~ Regret

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"Brianna," Lydia sighed in exasperation. "I'm fine, how many times do I have to tell you?"

"Until the thought of you practically being hyperthermic is a distant memory."

Lydia rolled her eyes as she rolled over in her bed to face her best friend. Brianna had come to her house before school to check on her. The blonde was pretty worried about her when she got a message from Scott explaining that Lydia was taken to the hospital by Danny from the party. That made Brianna leave Stiles' bed and go back home so it would be easier to see Lydia in the morning.

Brianna dodged a pillow that Lydia lamely threw at her, "For the love of God would you just go to school already?"

"Fine, fine." Brianna groaned. "If you need anything-"

"I'll call you, yes in understand. Just go to school, please." Lydia practically begged Brianna as she curled around in her bed. The strawberry blonde watched as Brianna made her way towards the door before calling to her, "Thank you for checking up on me though, Bri!"

"You're my best friend, it's sort of my job."

All Brianna could hear as she walked down the stairs of the Martin household was faint chuckles from Lydia. Honestly, one of the things at the top of the list of things they wouldn't change for the world for both of the girls was their friendship. They weren't just friends, or best friends. Lydia and Brianna were sisters, and family stick together.

Sticking to what she'd been instructed to do by Lydia, Brianna headed to school. As soon as she arrived she went to go find some friends which is when she spotted Scott's bike pulling up. Brianna strolled over with a raised eyebrow when she saw two identical bikes roll up either side of Scott's.

Brianna rose her hand sarcastically once she reached the trio of werewolves, "Question: are you two in love with Scott?"

"Answer," Ethan mimicked her tone of voice. "We're protecting him."

Brianna pursed her lips while nodding, "Hmm. You see my problem with this is that he doesn't need protecting."

"Finally." Scott huffed, sending Brianna a thankful smile.

"Please share your wisdom with us, psychic." Aiden folded his arms over his chest defensively.

Scott looked between both Aiden and a really pissed off Brianna while mumbling, "Oh no."

Brianna glanced around the area to see nobody was really paying attention to them. With that knowledge Brianna sent a flying ball of purple mist directly toward Aiden's manhood. The oh so powerful werewolf bent over in pain as he clutched his balls. Brianna smirked, trying to hide her laugh as he let out a grown.

"Okay, okay ... not a psychic. Not a psychic!"

Brianna smiled triumphantly, "That's what I thought." She mused before turning the conversation back to Scott's protection service they had going on. "But the reason you don't need to protect Scott because Argent thinks those ninja's or whatever only come down at sundown."

"Since this is our first experience with demonic ninjas, we're thinking we should play it safe. All day."

Scott groaned as he stepped off his bike, "And all night."

Along with Scott, who was being followed by his bodyguards, Brianna walked to his locker. Scott had text her earlier saying that he wanted Brianna to come speak to Stiles with him. Apparently Scott was sending that Stiles was being a little off and he knew if anybody could get through to him that somebody would be Brianna.

"Okay, one thing first." Scott mused while he searched his locker. "Bri and I need to talk to Stiles and let him know everything that happened last night. Without you."

HELL ☉ S. STILINSKI [ 3 ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt