Twenty ~ Explosion

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Mischief night. One of Brianna's favourite nights of the year. It gets her so hyped up for Halloween and her birthday. Plus she gets to prank all of the teachers she dislikes and they can't do anything about it. Normally she would prank Harris but unfortunately Jennifer had gotten to him first.

The blonde walked out of her math classroom with a jock Stiles had introduced her too. They had the same math teacher and had a mutual disliking of him. To prank him on mischief night was only fitting for the both of them. After going their separate ways Brianna jogged to catch up with Isaac.

"Yo, Lahey." She mused with laughter.

"Yo, Voyant." He replied sarcastically. "Excited for your seventeenth?"

"Don't," Brianna groaned. "Can we change the subject? Like why I think I saw the twins bikes outside?"

"Don't," Isaac mimicked Brianna's groan. "Look Scott and Stiles with no twins. Yay. Let's go there because any place without the twins is a place I wanna be."

Brianna laughed, "I don't think I've ever seen somebody hate two people as much as you hate the twins."

"Well they did kill Boyd and Erica so..."

Scott rose an eyebrow at Stiles, missing the fact that Isaac and Brianna had walked over. "I'm the hot girl?" He asked.

"You are the hottest girl." Stiles replied, winking at him as he walked off.

Scott turned to an extremely confused Brianna and Isaac with a proud puppy grin, "I'm the hot girl."

"Yes you are." Isaac agreed which made Scott walk down the corridor still grinning like a puppy. "Brianna, can I ask you something?"

She shrugged, still trying to figure out what she'd witnessed, "Sure." She responded anyway.

"Why did we get stuck with those lunatics as friends?"

"I ask myself that same question everyday, Lahey."

The bell rang signalling that class was about to begin. With one last amused smile at Isaac, Brianna headed to her art class. Even though she wanted to become her nurse she couldn't deny her passion for art. Especially when her favourite teacher taught that class.

The class got straight on to their work. That was one of the reasons Brianna enjoyed the class so much, she got to be free with her art. It was very rare that her teacher would give the class a strict instruction that they had to abide by. Normally she'd just let them go 'wherever their art takes them' and see what happens.

"Miss Voyant," The art teacher, miss Britton, approached Brianna. Looking up from her work she smiled at the teacher. "I hate to let you out of my class because you do such splendid work but you've been called into the hospital."

"Why? Is everything okay?" Brianna replied in fear as she placed her pencil down.

"I'm sure everything will be fine. A miss McCall was asking for assistance that was all."

"Okay, thank you." Brianna replied as her fear was replaced with confusion. Melissa had promised never to take her out of school to help her with something at the hospital unless it was one hundred percent necessary. Or included the supernatural. Brianna wasn't sure which one she preferred.

The drive to the hospital was pretty short since it wasn't that far away from the school. In fact the only reason Brianna didn't walk was because her car was parked up outside the school. As soon as she exited the area where she'd changed out of school clothes and into the proper hospital attire, Melissa approached her.

HELL ☉ S. STILINSKI [ 3 ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt