"Lob you," Harry giggled to me, but then his nose scrunched. "Dr. Shell... can have more medicine, maybe? Still hurts to laugh." 

I looked to Dr. Shell to ensure that he was going to give Harry more medicine before I kissed Harry's temple, "I lob you, too." 

Harry snuggled Elijah closer as he craned his neck to see Fionna, "Our Feenna is up, yet to say lob?" 

"Nope," I looked back to the air mattress. "She didn't sleep well last night, though." 

"Louis!" my mother gasped suddenly. "How long has it been since you've slept or eaten something or-" 

Harry gasped, "My Louis you did not sleep?" 

"I just... I wanted to be awake for when you woke up..." I told him. 

"Need to sleep," he sighed disapprovingly. "I will take care of our beebee boy... you nap with Feenna." 

"I don't want to leave you," I whispered. "And I don't want to wake up to find that I dreamed you waking up."

"Will not happen," he promised, but then jumped slightly as Elijah wailed in his arms. "Um... is hungry?" 

To answer Harry's question, Elijah rooted his little face into Harry's robe and made loud sucking sounds as he attempted to suck at the cloth. My eyebrows raised, "I'll make him a bottle... but I don't know what he's trying to achieve." 

"He can probably smell Harry," my mother told us. "All babies, no matter how weird it is, can find where the food is. Elijah knows that Harry has food under that robe. I'll be right back, my dears, I've forgotten to call your sisters." 

"But it is not enough food!" Harry gasped, adjusting Elijah. "I would feed him like that if there was enough, but-"

"Since you're male, you're unlikely to produce a large amount despite the fact that your body is supposed to provide enough for your baby," Dr. Shell concluded. 

Harry pulled Elijah into a cradled position in his arms, "Someone will help me? So I can hold my baby better?" 

"I'll do it," I offered, slipping an arm behind Harry and Elijah and pulling upwards as Harry's face scrunched in pain and he helped me move him into a sitting position. I examined him nervously, half tempted to unbutton his robe and check his incision. "Are you okay, lovely?" 

"Am fine now," he panted, nodding as he moved Elijah into a cradled position in his arms, and the little baby began to cry. "Oh... I am sorry I moved you from possible food my baby boy but you must eat from a bottle!" 

"Daddy will make it," I promised, kissing Elijah's fuzzy curls and then Harry's forehead. Unlike before, Harry's forehead was actually a normal temperature, it wasn't clammy, and joy flooded me as I hurried to make Elijah's bottle. 

From the air mattress came a, "Dahey?" 

"Feenna!" Harry crowed happily. 

I turned excitedly to see Fionna's reaction as she screeched in surprise at Harry's voice. She rolled to try and push herelf up, looking around frantically, "Dada? Dada?! Dadadadada-" 

"Feenna has missed you so much," I cooed, measuring the formula powder for Elijah's bottle as Fionna spotted Harry on the bed and her face lit up. 

"Mine Dadadadadada!" she squealed, trying to push herself up to stand on the air mattress but failing. She finally just rolled off, crawling until she was out of sight for me to get to Harry's bed. Harry peered over the edge, cooing down at her. "Dada! Dada!" 

"Hello, beebee," he giggled, and Elijah wailed again which gained Harry automatic attention. 

"Food is coming, Eli," I called to him in a croon before pausing in screwing the bottle lid on. "I may have just called our baby boy Eli." 

Uniquely Ever After - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book4}Where stories live. Discover now