Chapter 9 : You're My Savior

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Jungkook's P.O.V:

I was just finished getting my makeup done for our group choreography filming. Then, I heard one of our staffs shouting for help.

I usually ignored things like that because sometimes they shouting, screaming just for nothing. But this one somehow makes me curious to see what happened.

My eyes grew bigger when I saw the staff help the girl stand up from the floor. I immediately ran towards them, I don't know why all of sudden this heart weakened seeing her tears falling down her cheeks.

"It's okay, I'll take it from here," I said to the staff and looked at her.

"Okay, Jungkook. Her knees injured pretty bad, better clean the dirt quickly," she said softly.

Nodding, not even giving the girl warning or ask for her permission, I pulled her waist closer to me while my other hand lift her thighs. "Gosh, you need to stop eating lamb skewers," try to bring a topic when she pushed my shoulder and asked to put her down.

"Yes, I will but for now just hold on me tightly," I said softly to her.

"Put me down!" She snapped out.

With the staffs looking at both of us and her screaming infront of my face, "SHUSSHH, OR I WILL KISS YOU!" I spat at her.

Yess, Eunha totally pissed me off. I just want to help her. Seeing the sight of her whimpered like a little girl, I hate it. And I know by saying that will shut her mouth. And it really did..


I took a bottle of water and the first aid kit she used earlier to help me with my wounded finger and placed a stool infront of her.

Giving a smile to her, "It's okay. Now its 1:1 huh?" I giggled when I remembered I once had said the same thing to her on our first meeting at school. No response.

She hissed in pain when I cleaned the dirt and the blood on her knee with wet cotton. My eyes drooped to see both of her knees bleeding.

"Don't you have jeans or long pants? Look at what this shorties had done to you," I exclaimed at her, pointing at her denim shorts.

"Why do you even care?" She spat, sniffing, maybe because of her crying earlier.

I took out my tissues from my pocket and hand it to her, but she refused. "No thanks. I already have this," she pulled out a pink handkerchief that pretty much looked like Jin hyung's.

"Oh, okay," I moved my eyes slowly to her knees and apply the antiseptics on it.

She took a jacket and covered her bare thighs, maybe feeling uncomfortable with me facing her legs. "Whose jacket is that?" I asked with my eyebrows arched, try to recognize it.

"Jimin's. He asked me to hold it before he was running after V at the set earlier," she answered in her famous annoying monotone.

Jimin hyung's jacket..

"It's okay, I can d-,"

"Give me a minute and all done," I cut her words, all of sudden I feel irritated with her holding tightly the jacket.

I finished off by putting on the bandage on her both knees.

"Thanks," she slowly stand up, try to endure the pain.

I still sat on the stool, not even looked at her. As she slowly stepped away, I quickly reached and gripped her wrist gently, "I'm not done yet. Sit," I sighed.

She stepped back and sit infront of me. "I thought you already finish-"

I can't hear the next thing she said when I hold her knee and kissed slowly on her injured knee. The same thing I did on her other knee.

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