Admiration {NSFW} (T.O.P / Choi Seunghyun - Big Bang)

Start from the beginning

After my last second of pondering, I suddenly knew who I would choose, "Well, I think that Amber from f(x) would be great to date, she has a great fashion sense and we could bond over that, and she has a cute dog," I said, continuing onto the most anticipated answer, "If it were a guy it'd have to be T.O.P", I said, choosing not to elaborate because of the surplus of reasons that would take up too much time, and I also didn't want to have to speak more on behalf of these rude MC's, so we continued onto another topic.

>Back to the Present<

The MC grinned, ready to tease me for revealing a part of me that probably should not have been shared. He was aware that I did actually like T.O.P, in the romantic and sexual sort of way, which was only because we were relatively close, but he put in that nice reminder in the interview, just let the world know that 'yes, that did happen'.

"So, (Y/N)", he began, looking me right in the eye, "You never really clarified, what do you like about T.O.P, you must have a reason if you choose him of all people", he asked, despite already knowing the answer.

Keeping my fake yet annoyed smile on my face I nodded, "Well, what isn't there to like", I said trying to get out of it with a cheap cop out.

"What? That's all", he whined, trying to embarrass me even more, "How about he gets down into the nitty-gritty, what do you think audience?!"

As expected, the audience cheered, making me reluctant, and, just like MC wanted to, embarrassed. I felt my face feel a bit warmer, "I think the most obvious one is his smile", I said hoping they would have enough with that.

Both the audience and he were surprised, but he kept at it, "Wow~ Cheesy, I didn't expect that from you", he said suggestively raising his eyebrows, "How about sharing one cute, one cool, and one a bit suggestive~", he said, knowing exactly which one he was talking about when he said 'suggestive'.

Giving a slightly pained smile, I nodded, having the utmost difficulty in hiding my embarrassment, "Well, another cute thing is his dancing and the persona he displays is rather calm and collected, making him seem cool", I said, taking a pause to try to prepare myself - and the audience - for a slightly inappropriate answer.

Clearing my throat, I nodded once before beginning, "We all know that T.O.P never takes off his clothes, which would be a shame for you guys, but if we were to start dating, I would be the one that would get to see the every part of him, and get to know every part of him as well", I said, looking of into the distance with a smirk, as if plotting something, "I already liked him for what I know of him, but to have those- special privileges, I think that would be the cherry on T.O.P, which might not be the only thing on top of T.O.P, if you know what I mean", I winked, grinning like a fool, not only for my pun, but for the shocked faces everyone had.

The MC had an especially mortified expression, giving me a wide-eyed glance, knocking me off guard slightly. He soon recomposed himself, though, and everyone was still squealing and I was slyly waving at the camera and audience, until MC said something to make me heart drop, "Now welcoming our next guest, T.O.P from Big Bang."

I froze, hand still in the air and still looking directly at the camera, my open-mouthed smile turning into an open mouth frown, making it my turn to be shocked. The crowd cheered even louder, some even laughing at my facial expression, but it was my turn to be mortified, not knowing what to say since this would be the first real conversation I had with the person who I had mentally stripped so many times, and had just admitted to doing so a few seconds ago.

"What's wrong (Y/N), you seem shocked, it's not like T.O.P would have never heard it, he would have eventually", the MC said, while I recomposed myself by blinking repeatedly, slightly furrowing my brows.

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