Ring: Aarmau (Revised)

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"Uh... t-this isn't something that should wait until then." She said.

"Fine~ I'm going to go take a shower."

"Okay." Aphmau smiled, watching as Katelyn walked up the stairs to the second floor. 

Aphmau sighed, honestly worried that Katelyn would take the pregnancy the worst out of all her friends closely followed by Laurence and Garroth. Sure the two boys were fine with her dating Aaron, but there was a huge difference between dating him, and having his child. 

Not to mention Laurence wasn't a big thing on change, something which would be occurring a lot in the next nine months. She would probably move in with Aaron (which would make rent harder to pay for the other two girls in the house), would have to turn the exercise room at Aaron's house into a Nursery, and would have to do a lot of shopping for baby things.

The biggest thing she worried about though was telling her mother about her pregnancy; Her mom couldn't stand Aaron and hated her hanging out with him. Not to mention her mom was traditional in the fact that she felt she shouldn't have children until marriage.

"Aphmau, are you alright?" Aaron asked, bring a cup of tea over to her and handing it to the black haired girl.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about how everybody will react." She admitted, sipping on her tea before putting it on her lap. "I mean, I don't think Dante and Kawaii-Chan will mind too much. But, Garroth and Travis what if they hate us?"

"They didn't hate us when we first started dating." Aaron pointed out, a kind smile crossing his face. "They're your friends, Aphmau, I'm sure they won't let this get between you guys." He said, kissing her forehead.

"I hope you're right."

Two hours later the party was in full swing; complete with loud music, snacks on the tables, and a verity of drinks. 

Everybody was having a good time, even Katelyn who was talking to Travis and Lucinda in the middle of the room. Katelyn had a bit of a blush on her face. Zane was talking to Vylad and Garroth in a corner, clearly frustrated about all the people around. Dante and Nicole were dancing in front of the T.V., Kawaii-Chan was tripping over herself as she tried to talk to Reese, and Cadenza was talking to Laurence who seemed scared and pale in the corner. Aphmau wasn't sure of what Laurence was scared of but he was looking at the three brothers.

"Ready?" Aaron asked, making Aphmau jump.

"Y-yeah, I'm ready." Aphmau said, sucking in a breath as she used the TV remote next to her to mute the music which was playing. 

Once the music went quiet the rest of the conversation's became quiet as well, and then all eyes turned to Aaron and Aphmau.

"H-hi Guys. Thank you all for coming on such short notice, I know this party isn't the greatest but... the is a reason for it." She admitted, glancing at Aaron who nodded reassuringly. "I um... w-we are... we're pregnant." She said, taking Aaron's hand.

Everybody was quiet for a long moment before Cadenza let out a happy yell.


Aaron gave a chuckle. "Yes."

"Congratulations, Aaron-Kun and Aphmau-Senpai! Kawaii-Chan is so happy!"

"Congrats you guys!" Laurence yelled.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Asked Nicole.

Aphmau chuckled, "We won't know for a few weeks, but we'd love to hear your guesses."

"I think it'll be a boy." Dante said.

"I'm with Dante." Travis said, "He'll be quite the looker."

"I think it's going to be a girl." Laurence smiled.

All of them began talking over each other, with different questions but once again everything went quiet when Aaron suddenly knelt in front of her without a word. Aphmau was confused by his actions at first, but everything became clear when he dug in his pocket and pulled out a little black box. His hands were trembling, his normally confident eyes were full of worry and fear as his voice came out in trembles.

"A-Aphmau, w-will you marry me?"

Aphmau's heart was pounding as her covered her mouth, feeling everybody's attention on her. The man she had been friends with since middle school, before they even met in person, was asking her to spend the rest of her life with him. Sure she had become super close during high school, and when they began dating she couldn't be happier. Now she was carrying his child and he wanted to marry her. He really wanted to marry her. Really, there was no hesitation in her mind when she said;


My Street: One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora