-Part 49-

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As I entered the club that she worked for, a lady approached me.

"Welcome to Chix on Dix."

"Hi, do you know where I ca-"

"Our rules are simple: you respect our models, and they'll respect you. Unless of course they don't want to be respected." she smirked, "I can see you're a first timer here in Toronto's best one-on-one gentlemen's club."

"Uh, thank you. . . Do you know where I can find Jackie Cooks?"

"Ah. I see there is a girl here that catches your eye? Well, here we don't go by original names. However, I can show you pictures of each one. We just got a few new ones tonight. Today will be their first day."

"New ones?" I ask, hoping Jackie is a new one.

"All exotic dancers and private show woman, or VIP, start out as bartenders. They work for about four months and then they all get switched to either an exotic dancer or a private show woman, depending on what the boss wants them to be. When they get switched, new bartenders come in. We only do this because the current show woman leave all the time. There's a local church down the road so they're always preaching to us and some of the girls get saved."

"So all the strippers and VIP ladies are all new?

"Yes sir." she smiled, "Would you like to choose? Our strippers go on at certain times while the VIPs go on at any time, depending on how much you give them."

"How much I give them?" I question.

She sighed, but continued her smile, "All VIPs cost $50, plus how much extra we charge. Sometimes we charge more if they're a virgin or if they give really good head of something like that. When you're in your session, you can give them money. And then of course, you can always tip us. Would you like to see our girls?"

I nodded and she turned around, heading to the bar. When she got behind there, she pulled out a thin black book and handed it to me.

I flipped it open, only to find about 10 strippers and 8 VIPs. . . None that looked like Jackie from far away.

I started to panic, but I looked closer to each one. I didn't see her in any of the strippers, but when I got to the VIPs, I noticed the last one. She didn't have black hair anymore, but I could notice those eyes from anywhere.

Instead of pin-straight black hair, she had blonde, wavy hair. She had grown extremely thin and I could also notice her extreme level of discomfort and her fake smile.


"Ah, the new girl. She's a quiet girl." The girl smirked. She motioned for me to follow her and she walked another way. With quick motions, I was led to a backroom. She turned to me, "She should be ready. You pay $75 in there since she's new. You respect her and she respects you. . . Unless you don't want to be respected."

"Uhm, okay." I smiled.

"Have fu-un." she sang, walking off.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door.

One more long ass chapter

Battle of the Bands (PTV, OM&M, SWS, AA, ATL, PVRIS) [boyxgirl/girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now