Day 7

93 12 14

Asking Alexandria. ^^

From left to right - Cameron, Ben, Denis, Sam, James

*Vic's POV*

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

"Vic?" I heard the sweet voice of Jackie say as she lightly tapped my shoulder.

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

"Uhh, Vic? Your phone is ringing."

I groggily open my eyes to see her holding my phone out to me.

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

"Uh, should I get it?"

"No, no." I sigh as I reach for the phone. "I'll get it."

She snatches her hand farther away and presses answer. She presses 'Speaker' and I very disorientedly say "Hello?"

"Yo, Vic. It's Kellin. Come to backstage. Apparently we've all got to talk about what happened with Asking Alexandria."

Her eyes widened, so I snatch the phone back from her and press speaker again so Jackie wouldn't hear.

"Who does?"

"All of us. Didn't you see the text? We're all waiting on you, dude!"

"Dammit! Sorry. I'll be right there." I rushed out as I hung up the phone. I checked my messages and sure enough:

6/25 9:45

Denis: Hey everybody meet at 10:15 normal spot. We need to talk.

       6/25 10:10

Tony: Vic where are you

Alex Babinski: Bro come on don't make us wait like last time

Alex Gaskarth: Where the fuck are you man?

Jack Fowler: Probably screwing Jackie

Brian: True.

        And no! I'm not!

"Hey, I'll be back in a minute." I smiled at Jackie.

"Vic, what's going on?" she asked, obviously very scared.

"Hey, it's okay. Nothing is wrong. They just need to ask me about something. You're okay. Just stay here, okay?"

Her worried expression faltered "O-okay. . ."

Even though she was still worried, she gave a small, reassured smile. I smiled back and headed out the door.


A few minutes later, I showed up backstage and sure enough everyone was there. However, all 5 members of Asking Alexandria were in front and on spotlight.

"Hey! What's going on?" I ask as I approach.

"Is everyone here?" Ben asked, totally ignoring my question. After a few seconds, he started, "As you know, Sam, Cameron and James are pussies and decided not to play Battle Of The Bands. Denis had his date with Jackie and I had mine. With that being said. . ."

Denis finished for him, "With that being said, I personally thought she had a great personality and I can't be the one to break her heart whether I'm the winner or even if I'm not. . ."

". . .and my date with her wasn't good at all, so I don't want the bitch anymore." Ben said.

Denis finished with a "With that being said, despite all the shit we're going to get from this later, Asking Alexandria is no longer in the battle."


"You pussies!!"



"Wow, I'm disappointed. I thought you guy would had stayed in the long run!"

"Fuck yeah!"

"More for Of Mice & Men!!!"

"What happened?!"

"What happened with you and Jackie, Ben?!?"

"Fucking losers."

"Woah! Wait! Everyone shut up." Ben yelled, "No, okay? Damn! We're not in the fucking battle anymore."

"Pft! More for us!" Jack Fowler sneered.

"Alright, alright!!" Ben said, rolling his eyes, "I'm going to leave now. I've got places to be, bitches to fuck. . ."

"Let's go." Denis mumbled and they walked off.

"Alright. Who's next?" Mike spoke.


We all turned around to find one if the more quiet ones, Brian Macdonald of PVRIS, looking at us with determination.

"Alright. Cool." Everyone murmured, starting to walk off.

"Wait!" I found myself yelling.

"What? Awe, has the pussy finally come to his senses, grown a pair and joined the battle?" Lynn laughed.

"You know what? Fuck you, Lynn." I spat and she looked at me shocked. In fact, everyone looked at me shocked. I cursed, but I never cursed people out.

"No, I'm sorry. Look, we all know that this isn't right. You all may say it's fine but we know that we've all been in her position before. I know that I can't stop you guys from doing this, but at least let me be supervisor. Let me draw a line or some shit."

"Vic, fine. You can be 'supervisor,' but you better not screw this up." Alex Gaskarth murmured and one by one they all left.

So, I understand that being supervisor is probably nothing more than a title, but I feel obligated to do a little more than just sit back and watch it all go down.


#TeamAskingAlexandria forever


Battle of the Bands (PTV, OM&M, SWS, AA, ATL, PVRIS) [boyxgirl/girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now