Day 6 (continued)

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This is Ben. ^^

"You're going to regret it." sighed Vic as he backed away and eventually turned around and walked off, shaking his head. I watched him go in silence.

"Jackie!" a familiar british accent voice gleamed. Suddenly I was hugged by Ben. "Well, come on, love, don't just stand there in the blazin' heat! Come on in now."

I smiled warmly and walked up the metal steps leading to the lounge area. I sat down in the middle and Ben sat across from me. "So, how does this sound to you: In a few minutes we can eat something and then you can hang out until 6. That's when buses leave."

"Sounds great!" I bashfully replied.

"Oooookay. OK so, I'm just curious, you want to tell me what's going on with you and Vic?"

"Not really." I sighed.

"You do know I can just find out from him?"

"Okay then." I blushed, knowing he was right.

"Please?" he practically begged.

"Alright, fine. . ." I sighed. I proceeded to tell him about Cara, the babies and how Vic is a fuckboy. I told him my view of Vic now and how I didn't believe it at first, but how the puzzle pieces fit together perfectly and it makes sense. The whole time Ben just kept on staring and nodding.

"You don't believe me?"

"Quite the contrary, actually. I've known of Vic for a very long time, but I met him personally only last summer. I wouldn't believe you if you told me last summer, but it's not like I'm going to take sides. The man does seem quite shady and gives off a vibe of 'There's more to me then just the outer shell.' I'm not saying I disagree with you, but I'm not agreeing with you either. You should just look into it a little more than only Justin's word. That's all I'm saying. Anywho, it's 5:00. Want a Hot Pocket?"

"I would love that. Thanks, Ben."

"Anytime, hun, anytime." he sighed as he got up and went behind a curtain. I could hear some buttons being pressed and beeps sounding, assuming he was at the microwave.

When he came back, he had one hot pocket in his hand. He held it out to me, but when I reached to get it, he pulled it back. "Kiss me."


"Kiss me. Then you can have dinner."

I rolled my eyes and reached for it again. "Ben, give me my ho-!"

I was cut off by him tackling me on the couch. He sat me up and sat next to me. "Ben, what the he-"

I was cut off once more by his tongue entering my mouth. I leaned back and pushed him away. When he came back for the second time, I slapped his face as hard as I could.

"What the fuck is your problem? Don't you know how to have some fun?" he yelled.

"My problem is that I don't like that type of fun! I'm a virgin." I argued.

"Oh, yea. Virgin my ass!" he retorted

"I open up to you about Vic and this is how you treat me???"

"That story is bullshit! You made it up to get attention, you stupid bitch!" he laughed.

His eyes turned from laughter to hatred and he quickly threw me on the floor. When I gained my composure, I came up full speed and tried to hit him, but he caught my arm and sat me down. I was sitting there while he hovered over me.

"Fuck! You stupid whore, you listen to me. You are never ever to fucking hit me like that again, you hear that? I look at you, and you know what I see? I see a girl who fucking needs me. When I look at you, I can just see you squirming like a fish. I'd bet you'd be so much fun. You need me to fuck you. The thought of you in pain caused by me just turns me on." he laughed.

He let go of his grip and I ran to the door, crying my eyes out. How could a person be so mean? I was crying. I was breathing hard. I didn't know where to go. I couldn't go back to my bus, because the boys there would see me crying as a weak spot.

I wanted somewhere I could go to be wrapped in arms and held until my eyes were dried.

And so I went to the only place I knew of where there was a person there who could do that for me.


Jackie wyd

Where is she going?

So NOW what team are you on? 😉

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