Day 23

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After I saw Jack and Jackie, I had to leave. I couldn't bare the sight of them with all of their stupid stupidness. Yea, I said stupid stupidness. Fight me.

I called the taxi again and left. Mike or Jack didn't want Jackie to stay here, so she didn't stay here. She didn't stay at SWS's bus because Jack didn't want to get too close, she didn't stay at Asking Alexandria or PVRIS' bus for obvious reasons and since she's on bad terms with 3/4 members of ATL, she stayed in Of Mice & Men's bus. I told Alan to watch out, and he did.

So far, so good. It was about 11'00 when I looked at the clock. It was about an hour when bus would apparently be stopping at this great, clear lake for our day off.

I was really nervous, because though we are spending the entire day at the lake, and Jackie has no dates today, there's going to be tension between everyone. Jackie's mad at me, Jackie is mad at Rian, yatta-yatta-yatta.

"Hey Vic, some doctor wants to come talk to you guys." Tony mumbled as I walked back in to see him.

He came back this morning wearing a cast on. I'm glad he'll be okay, though. We've been having to get Jesse Barrara to fill in and he'll finally be leaving. Not that I want him to leave, because he's kind of cool, but still.

I like Tony as PTVs guitarist better.

"Okay, we're leaving in half an hour."

"He'll be here in half an hour."

"What? Tony, what the hell? Did you already make an appointment?!"

"Uh, I guess." he shrugged.

"Tony!! What the hell?? I've got to go!"

"Whatever." He mumbles.

Sighing, I rolled my eyes and sent Kellin a quick test saying I'm going to be late and to watch Jackie. As Tony stated, 30 minutes later a doctor showed up.

*an hour later*

After five or ten minutes of getting lost with the taxi driver, I finally showed up at the cool lake. Telling the lakes manager the party name, I found where I was supposed to be.

The sight before me was one of wonder, yet I still wasn't surprised at the same time. There in front of the clear blue lake, almost symbolic to a water park, was the whole crew and all the members of every band in Warped.

"Hi, Vic." I heard an all too familiar voice say. The voice of a girl who's trying to be seductive.

"Hey, Jenna." I internally groaned, turning around to see her wet head from toe and standing there in a very skimpy bikini.

"Oh Vic, stop staring." she blushed, looking sideways, even though I know she was flirting.

"Jenna, you know it's never going to happen." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Ay Vic, cogerme duro!" she moaned and my eyes shot open and everyone who understood Spanish whipped their heads towards us.

"Jenna!" I scolded, closing the gap between us and shutting her mouth up by covering it with my hands.

"Damn, she's a loud one." some punk muttered, walking away from us. I sighed, backing away from her and taking my hands off of her mouth.

"I am a loud one." the Aussie smirked at me, "Do you like how close we are?"

"Jenna, can you just leave? You're not even on Warped! How did you even get here?" I sighed.

"Buckle." she shrugs.

"Can you just leave?" I ask, sighing once more.

"Nope." she says, adjusting her swimsuit to show even more.

"Whatever. Where's my brother?"

"Sucking faces with that one bitch from the other day." she scoffed.

Oh no.

"Jackie?!" I asked, astonished.



"Where are they?!" I ask, getting frantic.

"The six hot bands are behind the green slide. You have to have a VIP password to get there though."

"Dammit." I muttered. I needed to get in there, but I didn't know the password. I would call, but they're in the water so they probably don't have their phones.

"I know the password." she says, reading my mind and I look at her expectantly. She smirks, "What? You want it?"

I nod and she smirks. I groan because I know where this is going when she sighs and places a hand on her hips.

"It comes with a price." She smirks.

"What do you want?" I groan.


"What?" I hiss.

"You know what I said." she smirks.

"What do you mean?" I ask, placing my head in my hands.


"When?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

"Tomorrow night."

"Dammit! Fine." I mumble.

"The password is kanyeforpresident2020."

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"I didn't make it. I just got her to tell me." she shrugged, pointing to a random direction.

I looked and standing there was Alex Gaskarth's ex girlfriend, Tay Jardine.

Battle of the Bands (PTV, OM&M, SWS, AA, ATL, PVRIS) [boyxgirl/girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now