Day 24 Continued

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The kiss was short-lived, much like when the PTV guys kissed me.

"J-Justin, w-what was that?!" I stutter and he just shrugged.

"L-let's just go back, please." I say.

"Awe!" Justin pouts, but gets off of me and holds a hand out to me. Taking it, I mumble a 'thanks' and pull myself up.

"Erm. . . So what am I supposed to do until Nick and I's date?"

"Walk around? Don't you have a PTV ID?"

"Yea, I'm going to watch SayWeCanFly." I shrug. We say our goodbyes and I head to, in my opinion, one of the most under appreciated acoustic singers on Warped, Braden Barrie and his 'band' SayWeCanFly.

At one point, I visited Buckle's stage and when Andrew, the lead singer, saw me, he flicked me off and made the security guard make me leave.

I visited a few smaller bands, merchandise tables and organizations, such as People for the Ethnical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA).

But like all good things, they must come to an end.

"Oh shit! Look boys, it's the hotshot of the six bands!" a thick Australian accent said. I turned around to find all of Buckle and that one Australian girl from a few days ago. . . Jenna I think her name was?

"Oh my god! It's the ugly bitch from across the street!" Andrew yelled, laughing like a kid.

"Just leave me alone."

"You want us to leave you alone?" Another Buckle guy, Jeff, yelled.

"Cause that's not what your saying to the other bands. You're loving the attention! You're soaking it up, you attention whore!" Jenna snorted.

"They're asking me on dates!" I defended.

"Oh, really? Who's the lucky person tonight?" Jenna huffed.

"Nick Martin!"

"Oh, okay. Well just know this," Jenna warned, getting up to my face, "While you're having fun with Nick, I'll be getting fucked by his cousin, Vic."

My eyes widened as she smirked and walked off, Jeff and Andrew and the three other boys following her every move.

"What was that?" Nick asked, coming up behind me.

"Erm. . . Nothing." I offered.

"Uh, okay. You ready to go? We just got off set and I'm really hot. Does an ice cream sound good?"

I smiled, but that quickly faded when I realized Jenna was still in earshot, and she was holding a picture up of Vic and making gagging noises.

"Uh, sorry. Yea sure, that hits the spot!" I smile. He nods and walks in a random direction, which I was quick to follow.


Deez nuts

Battle of the Bands (PTV, OM&M, SWS, AA, ATL, PVRIS) [boyxgirl/girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now