Day 23 Continued

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This is Tay (left) and Jonny (right). ^^

"Oh my god, now what the hell are you doing here? You know you're about to start a war with Alex! Your band isn't playing either!" I huffed, and Tay shrugged in response.

"Whatever. I'm leaving." I say, walking off to where everyone else was.

"My god, isn't he a killjoy?" I heard Tay sneer.

I rolled my eyes, but continued to run to the hotspot where everyone was at the thought of Mike and Jackie making out.

I get there, and I'm surprised to see Jackie nowhere in sight.

"Password?" Some big white guy hisses.

"Kanye-for-president-2020." I huff and he busts out laughing.

"Nice try. Move along, kid."

What the fuck? Jenna lied to me?

"Dude, I'm the lead singer of PTV, just let me in." I urge.

"No can do. Kevin Lyman's rules."

"I-I. . ." I trail off, and then I remember something.

"Battle of the Bands." I try.

"Run along, dude." He hisses.

"Uh, Jackie?" I try.

"Just stop."

I scoffed, but then I remember the password that Lynn told me to use.

"When you can't sleep at night, stay away from the black house that wants to be alone in neverland." I say, mashing up Pierce The Veil's "Stay Away From My Friends," Sleeping With Sirens' "Alone," Asking Alexandria's "The Black," All Time Low's "Somewhere In Neverland," PVRIS' "My House," and Of Mice & Men's "When You Can't Sleep At Night."

"It only took you forever." He huffs, moving out of my way so I could get in the secluded area. I just rolled my eyes and scurried into the VIP section, only to see that Mike and Jackie were not making out.

Mike was casually sitting there talking to Jonny Craig, with a beer in his hand.

"Oh shit, I haven't seen you since Isles & Glaciers! How have you been, homie?" Jonny snorted when he saw me.

"Good. So listen man, we should catch up, but I've got to find someone."

"He's got to catch up with his boo-thang." Mike laughed. I shot him an unfriendly glare.

"Oh? Does Vic have a sugar momma?" Jonny laughed.

"First off, you know how much I hate that word, Mike. And no, Jonny, she's not my girlfriend or anything. Where is she?"

"I don't know," Mike shrugged, "Alex told me he's trying to talk to her though."

"He better not!"

"I agree with you on that one! PTV for the win!!" He yells, and I roll my eyes, but continue to wade through the shallow water until I find Jackie and Tino laughing.

"Okay, so tomorrow sound good?" I hear Tino say.

"Of course!"

"What's going on?" I ask. Tino smiles brightly and Jackie rolls her eyes at the sight of me.

"Me and Jackie are going to breakfast!" Tino smirked at me.

"Oh?" I ask, eyeing both of them.

"Yup!" Tino smirks, "Well it was nice seeing you again, but I've got to meet up with the band. See ya, Jax."

She nods at him smiling and he walks off. She trailed her eyes from him to me and stares at me expectantly.

"Jax is my nickname for you!" I pout.

"You gave that up when you called me an attention seeking whore."

"I didn't call you that!" I defended.

"Might as well." She huffed.

"Look, Jackie, I'm sorry, okay? You were right. I would be jumping at the chance of attention, too. But please, I beg you, please know the difference between a good person and a bad one. Maybe. . . Don't go on so many dates."

"Oops, well I can't do that. Tomorrow my plate is full."

"Really?" I ask.

"Tino is taking me out for breakfast, Justin is taking me out for lunch and Nick Martin is taking me out for dinner." She says. I stare at her, mouth wide. I didn't know what to say.

"Say it all and say it now or don't say anything." She huffs.

"I-I. . . Nothing. I'm happy for you."

"You're happy? I thought you said that I had too quickly gained confidence and that I was going t-"

"No, no. Um, I. . . I'll see you later." I say quickly, turning around and walking back to Jonny Craig.

I didn't know what to say. I can't believe she's doing this.

She's doing this to herself.

She's going to fall so hard.

Battle of the Bands (PTV, OM&M, SWS, AA, ATL, PVRIS) [boyxgirl/girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now