Day 1

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This is Vic ^^

Day 1

*Vic POV*

I was sitting there in my bunk just chilling. It was the first day of the Vans Warped Tour! Woo! I love Warped. It was an awesome time where awesome people get together and do awesome stuff. Awesome, right?

I was blocked from my thoughts when my phone started to vibrate vigorously. I looked down to see a picture of me and Kevin Lyman from Warped Tour a few year back.


"Hey, Vic? I need you to come down to the backstage area. I need to tell you all something very important."

"Yes sir. I'll be there right away."

Did he say all?

I quickly got out of my bunk and went into the lounge area to find no one there. I decided to go there straight away. I left the bus and locked it up before heading towards backstage

When I got there, I seriously couldn't believe my eyes. It was an open field with not just one band there, but six! If there were 6 bands here, then it obviously was something important! I counted just to see what bands there were.

Pierce The Veil
Sleeping With Sirens
All Time Low
Asking Alexandria
Of Mice & Men

Everyone was here. This must be really important.

"About time, Vic." Alex of All Time Low joked.

"Okay everyone. Settle down, settle down." Kevin said, trying to get everyone to quiet down. He was standing on a chair. He wasn't small, no. I guess he just really wanted to get his point across, whatever that may be. "Okay everyone. So I'm sure you guys are all wondering why I asked all of you to come here."

A bunch of "yes"s and scoffs followed by "you made me pause my movie"s murmured throughout the crowd.

"Okay so who is ready for Warped, yeah?"

The murmuring died and turned into cheering. Kevin smiled, then got serious again. " sucks."

Everybody stopped talking and looked at him questionably.

"Are you saying we suck?" Alex Babinkski of PVRIS spoke up.

"No, not at all." What I'm saying is - besides PVRIS, Asking Alexandria, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Of Mice & Men and All Time Low - this tour's line up this year kind of sucks."

"AA, ATL, PVRIS, PTV, OM&M and SWS are 6 of the hottest bands in the genre right now. How could the line up possibly suck?" Justin of Sleeping With Sirens asked.

"You guys don't suck! The lineup does not suck! I take it back. All I'm saying is that last year... Last year everybody came to Warped. Everyone loved it last year because every single band was on the lineup! Every single band... All 6 of you guys, plus Black Veil Brides, Never Shout Never, BlesstheFall, Mayday Parade, Motionless In White, Falling In Reverse, issues, Memphis May Fire, Crown The Empire....Heck! We even got Paramore to play!"

He was about to continue, but Aaron in OM&M cut him off, "Kevin what is your point? We play in an hour and we need to go get set up."

"My point is that this year's Warped is going to be boring. You 6 bands are the only 6 bands people want to see. People are going to come and watch you and then leave! No snacks. No food. No merch. They're just going to watch you and then leave. So here is my proposition....

A) Propaganda. I want you all to be super active on Twitter, Instagram, etcetera. Lower prices on merch, do more signings and meet and greets. Do silly videos with each other. I don't care. Just constantly make them want to come out and support us. That's the small thing.

B) Competition. I want to do a 60 day competition between the 6 bands. Whoever wins in the 60 days gets to play a longer show on our finale date. It just spices it up. It makes people want to constantly watch Alternative Press or BryanStars for an update. But here is the catch. We will tell the fans that there is a competition going on between you all, but we won't tell them what it is or the stats. We will only reveal all of that and the winner at the end of the 60 days. Got it?"

"And what do we get if our band wins?" Rian of All Time Low questioned.

"Well, it can be band vs. band or man vs. man, with the winning man's band to win. Whoever wins gets crowned King Of Warped."

"I like the sound of that!" Lynn of PVRIS exclaimed, "So what are the competitions?"

'Well," Kevin cleared his throat "That is up for you to decide. Remember, this is just for fun, so get your hands dirty. May the best band win. You have until tomorrow to run the competitions by me. Oh, and long live the king."

And with that, he hopped off the chair and walked off.

All of the bands just stared at one another in question.

"Anybody have any ideas?" Sam of Asking Alexandria asked.

"No," Austin in OMM looked up from his phone, "But I know what we could call it."

Everyone looked at him with wonder in their eyes, including me.

"Well, gee. Thanks for asking," he sarcastically joked. "But seriously... We're all supposed to be making this out like we're in a huge battle, right?"

"Yea..." Everyone said or nodded yes.

"Well....." Austin smirked, "It's simple. Since we're all in a 'battle', why not name it the 'Battle Of The Bands'?"

Everyone smiled and agreed with his name.

The Battle Of The Bands.

This was going to be interesting.

Battle of the Bands (PTV, OM&M, SWS, AA, ATL, PVRIS) [boyxgirl/girlxgirl]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora