Day 36/37

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Ah, yes! Another day off. Well, for me at least. What I mean is nobody has asked me out today, and if they do, I'm going to reject - because today is all about me listening to some awesome bands!

As the day went on, I stopped at many different merchandise tables, different organization tables, etc. I got to see every band I wanted to see, and thanks to the money that Vic had given me a while back when my brother stole all of it, I got some awesome food.

"Thank you, Baltimore!!" Kellin screamed into the mic as they ended their set. I smiled and waved at them before walking away. Is it weird that I'm "dating" 4/5 members of SWS?

I was quickly cut off from answering that question in my head when I felt some warm lips against mine. When whoever it was pulled back, I saw that it was Justin.

"Justin? What the hell! You can't just do that to me all the time!"

He responds my kissing me once more, "Well, I can. I just did."

"Justin, you need to sto-"

"Stop?" He asked, and then helped himself with another kiss, "Okay."

"Asshole." I muttered jokingly.

"Breakfast tomorrow?" He asks smirking.

"Fine, but does that mean I need to spend the night with SWS?"

"Mhm." He nods.

"Ok." I shrug.

[Day 37]

"Goooood morning!" Justin obnoxiously sings as he shook me in my bunk.

"Morning, asshole." I murmur.

"I've got waffles!" He coos.

Damn it. He must of known my weakness, cause the next thing I know I'm chowing down my fifth waffle, courtesy of Justin.

"These are so good. Thanks Justin." I moan as I finish up. As I turn around to the sink to wash my dishes, I'm met with a pair of syrup-laced lips. It's obvious it's Justin, so I just kiss him back.

We kiss for a moment before I pull back to clean my dishes. Saying my goodbyes, I leave and go to the PTV bus once again.

[Gabe POV]

"Hey, yooooooo I quit." I say as Jackie leaves.

"What?" Kellin asks.

"Well, there's no need for me." I shrug, "Justin and Jackie are sucking faces all the time, Jackie likes Jack because he stood up for her that one day, and she likes Nick because he's mature. I really don't need to be here. I quit the battle."

"Alright, fine." Kellin shrugs.

"Speaking of battle of the bands. . ." Nick smiles.

*Jackie POV*

"Nick wants to take you out in a few hours." Vic murmured as soon as he saw me.

"Go figure." I murmur, "And it's nice to see you too."

"Are you still mad at me for acting drunk?" He sighs, walking to his bunk.

"Yup." I say, popping out the 'P.'

"Are you. . . C'mon!!" He yells.

"I like Austin!" I yell, "I was about to kiss him and you ruined it!"

"I did ruin it! And I have good reason for it, too." He yells.

"Really?" I ask, "Really? What is the fucking reason, Vic?"

"You shouldn't have ki- I mean, you really need to watch whe- uhm. . ."

"Exactly." I hiss, pushing past him and going to sleep in my bunk until Vic woke me up around 4:00pm.

"Get up." he mutters.


"Yes!" he says sternly, prying the sheets from my clenched fingertips and pulling them away.

"Fuck you, Vic."

"You've got Nick to do that." He chuckles darkly.

When I process what he said through my head, I go up to him and slap the back of his head. He turns around quickly, pushing me against the bunks. His grip on me or the way he pushes me didn't hurt, but I was pressed in between the bunks and him, and we were in very close proximity.

"Don't ever hit me again." He whispers slowly, looking down at me. His hot breathe breathed down on my face and I couldn't help to feel kind of awkward.

His rough hands were firm on my shoulders and my hands were slapped straight on my sides, while our bottom half a were pressed up against each other.

Breathing in and out hot air, my eyes can't help but to wonder up to his eyes, which were trailing me up and down. When his eyes met mine, Vic's lips twitched into a smirk and I felt his arms pressing into me further as they trailed down my arms, to my biceps, to my forearms, to my wrist, and finally to my hands, which were lying on my upper hip.

His hands trail sideways on my stomach, then trail upwards a tad, and finally back to the side. His hands firmly placed on now my waist, I look from his hands to his face. His face resembles one of contemplation - his eyebrows knit in concentration  and him biting his lip. His eyes trail up to my face and his face softens and he whispers, "I'm sorry for acting like I was drunk. I was just trying to protect you."

Without thinking, my hands flew up around his neck and I bring him closer to me. His eyes widen as if he thought we were about to kiss, but I move my head and lay it on his shoulder, facing his neck, and whispered, "I don't know what that was about, but if you ever do that again, I will ruin you."

"Am I interrupting something?"

Battle of the Bands (PTV, OM&M, SWS, AA, ATL, PVRIS) [boyxgirl/girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now