Day 24

71 13 7

*Jackie POV*

"Hey, Jackie? Wake up, hon, it's time for breakfast." Tino cooed.

"Alright." I moaned groggily, flipping myself over in Alan's bunk.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked as I got out of bed quietly.

"Good, you?"

"I hope you did! I had to sleep on the motherfucking couch!" Alan whined, emerging from the bathroom.

"Oh hush, Jackie offered for her to sleep there!" Tino argued.

"No, you made me move!" Alan pouted.

"Whatever, Alan. Keep telling yourself that. Hey Jax, so since I don't want to get mauled by fans, you want to eat breakfast here?"

"Sure." I shrugged, looking at the clock that read 10:00. He was right, because there was already a herd of people lining up at the nearby gates that we were pulling up to.

Tino proceeded to cook me some pancakes, and despite the cries from Phil and Austin to make them some too, we ate our food peacefully in his bunk.

Tino was really sweet, and I really think that he could be a good boyfriend one day. Part of me wanted to make a move, but I honestly didn't know how.

"Hey, so don't you have a date with Justin?" Tino asked.

"Yeah. It's at two. That's when SWS gets done playing. Why?"

"Because he better not try anything on you." Tino huffed.

"I don't think he will." I reply.

"Well, I'd better get ready. We play at 11:30. Come watch us? After that, you can come to our bus or join us. We're probably going to watch other bands, we've got a signing and a meet and greet; you can just hang with us until Justin picks you up at two."

"I want to hang with you guys."

"Okay." He says, finishing up his orange juice.

After awhile, I find a seat in side stage and watch their set go down. For the next two and a half hours, I walk everywhere with them. I watch them do a meet & greet, I watched them do a signing, we came back and played some video games, etcetera. And now it's 2:30.

Knock. Knock.

"It's Justin." Alan says. Tino grabs hold of my hand, which I didn't see coming, and walks me to the door. He opens it and we see Justin.

"Hills, just remember: she a mouse, not a mermaid." He says and I giggle, despite him smiling and rolling his eyes.

"Alright, but I bet I can turn her into a siren."

"Then no sleeping with each other on the first date!"

"Can't make any promises." Justin smirks, throwing an arm around me and walking off.

"Uhm, wait. Are we just totally going to ignore the fact that you lied to me about Vic and the rest of PTV?" I ask.

"I'd like to, yes."

"No, Justin, I want answers!" I say, shrugging his arm off of me.

"Look, I just wanted to get a shot with you, that's all."

"And you thought lying would get you there?"

"Well, kind of. But you got to believe me - you'll do some crazy stupid things when you see something you want." He shrugs and my heart softens.

"You want. . . You want me?"

"Well. . . Yes? I knew it. From the very start." He says and continues to walk. It's silent for awhile until we come to a nearby river bank.

"It's breathe taking out here." I say.


"Aren't you worried about fans attacking us?"

"They have to have an ID. This is a gated area."

"Oh. . . Hey Justin?"


"Why are you taking me out if Nick is taking me out tonight?"

"Because I like you?"

"But what if he does, too?"

"Then may the best man win by the standards of you." He smiles.

"Won't that ruin your relationship?"

He looks at me and stares at me, as if he doesn't know what to say, but he finally smirks and says, "Bros before hoes."

My mouth immediately drops open and he smirks. I nudge him lightly and he nudges me back.

"Hey, woah! I was only messing around." He laughs, throwing his hands up in surrender. I giggle at him and look at the beautiful glimmer of the lake. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him do the same. He was handsome, funny, and he was sweet, but I think I like Tino.

". . .Or was I?" He says in a low husky voice.

"Hey!" I yell when I push him and in return he hops on me, tackling him to the ground. He looks at me and gazes at me with his big green beautiful eyes.

"Justin, quit being a j-"

I was going to finish my sentence, but I was unable to when he kissed me.

Battle of the Bands (PTV, OM&M, SWS, AA, ATL, PVRIS) [boyxgirl/girlxgirl]Where stories live. Discover now