I could almost see it placing a placating hand on my shoulder. "You're just saying that because you're still hurt. I understand, he doesn't deserve your kindness one hundred percent, but you're being a little rash. You just can't spit into the face of a Selene granted bond and expect no repercussions. Talk to him, figure this out. You're not thinking straight."

I shrugged, not believing my own inner voice, my confidante, my conscience, was turning on me. These inner voices weren't loyal. "Nope, nothing left to think about."

"Avril, you still love him. You know deep down in your heart you do not want to part from him. Make him grovel, make them all grovel, but do not spit into the face of Selene by trying to reject your kindred spirit. Don't be an idiot."

"Whatever." I breezed, nonchalantly pushing the voice into the farthest space of my mind.

"Hey! Your nose is bleeding!" I was quickly yanked out of my thoughts. Looking up, I could see the surprise sharp gray eyes of Togen's staring at my nose. Quickly bringing up my hand, I pulled back to see that my nose was in fact bleeding teal.

"What did I tell you. Selene is not fucking around."

And that was how life humbled you.

Groaning lowly to myself, I pressed my hand up to my nose feeling annoyed. Okay Selene, I got it. I'm being rash.

All at once the flowing stopped.

Gasping startled, I looked up into the sky mouth dropped. What the hell? Was Selene playing Sims with our lives or something? A shiver raked down my back at thought and all of a sudden a black cloth was sprung into my vision.

"Here Avril, use this."

Eyes colliding back with silver, I smiled graciously at Togen while still hiding my nose. "Thanks, this is a little embarrassing so sorry if I grossed you out."

Togen gently shook his head. "No it is fine. It happens to the best of us. Just yesterday, Jet and I were sparring and he caught me real good in the nose with this elbow." Togen shook his head, shoulder length brown hair following as he reminisced with almost a dreamy stare. I suddenly got the feeling that blood, gore, and violence excited him.

All of a sudden a hand was placed on my back and sparks of pure undiluted heat descended down my body. I sucked in a shaky breath feeling his touch all the way down to my toes as my stomach clenched. Turning around, eyes wide, they collided with annoyed violet eyes. However, they weren't staring at me but staring at the man across from me.

To my surprise the man across from me did not seemed even a little fazed by Ike's deadly stare. In fact, he leveled it with one of his own.

Two days. Two days was how long I had been able to avoid Ike and the others. I knew they had been trying their fucking hardest to get a hold of me, Ike even found my bedroom I had been sleeping in and pounded on it begging for me to talk to him. I never did open the door and he stayed on the other side for hours. When I had awakened the next day, he was gone but his lingering scent had still been there.

I had done exactly what Ivy had told me not to do these past two days and had avoided everyone instead of talking to any of them. Maybe Teelah was right, maybe I was good at running from my problems. Hell, I was fucking amazing at running from my problems it seemed. It was easier because when you ran from them, you didn't have to face them and dissect the problem and the overwhelming emotions that came with it. It was easy. Out of sight, out of mind...well not all the way, but enough so that it made my day more bearable.

A part of me realized how backward and unproductive it was to avoid them, but I couldn't help it. We needed to all be on the same boat to successfully make it out alive on Deteria, yet now I was being the stubborn one and refusing to come to a solution. Yeah, I should put on my big girl pants and do what I needed to do. But hell, for once I wanted to be selfish and not care about anything besides myself. However, I was beginning to see the errors in my ways by the fact that I was beginning to get daily headaches and random bouts of fatigue. Whenever this happened though, the bond seemed to churn as if it was silently telling me that it was not going to wait any longer for Ike and I to complete the bond without any interference.

The Cosmic PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now