I Think I Am Falling In Love With My Best Friend!(Chp-14)

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Hey guys!!!

I'm back!!!!

I love you all, and hope you like it!!!!!!!!!

And this is the chappie, where every1's(almost) gonna see her!!!!Kinda I guess.

But this is not the THE chappie!

Hope you like it though!!

I really hope!!

And oh yeah there gonna be a lot of POV switches, hope you don't mind!!!

Shell's POV

Damn, a shopping trip to Paris is so not relaxing.

I don't why people go shopping if it takes the crap outta ya.

In the two days I had stayed in Paris, I had shopped for a million or so.

Tee's, jeans, shirts, skirts, dresses- summer and spring and winter also, mini-skirts, shorts, coats, jackets, hoodies, blouses, shoes, accessories, make-up, perfumes, all sorts of stuff you dump in your hair and most of all, under-wear.

A whole lot of it!

Thank God I have a private jet, cause I'm pretty sure my luggage would have been way more than the weight limit.

It felt so nice to sit and relax with a glass of coke in the soft chair of the jet after lugging bag after bag of clothes though stores and malls.

"Ma'am we'll be landing shortly.Please fasten your seat belt."

Yeah, I know there are seat belts in private jets too.(**right??lol**)

"K' thanks Joe."I said as I fastened the thin strip of blue around my waist.

After about 30 minutes, we landed and I walked through the familiar San Francisco Airport.

"Ma'am, if you please, follow me and I'll escort you to your car."

Damn it, I hate it when they go all ma'am and Shakespeare on me.

I followed Joe through the airport and into the open air.The familiar scent of home hit me like a wave, engulfing me in a bubble of sweetness.Even though it was only three days, I had missed the familiarity of home.

But the luxury wasn't too bad.

After getting into a black Merc, I once again relaxed into the leather seating.

I cant wait to see my mom's face when she sees me!!!

Mrs. Rock's(Shell's mom) POV

Now, where is that girl?

I've been waiting for her since morning!!If she doesn't get here fast enough, she'll miss her prom!!

And she didn't even tell me, when she'll arrive.

Girls these days!

Just like her father, more stubborn than a mule.

Thinking I'll give her a piece of my mind, when she gets home, angrily clipped at the rose bushes.

Usually the gardener would have taken care of this but I like to do a bit of gardening when I'm worried or upset.

Like now.

Just as I got a particularly tricky weed, a black Merc like the many John owned, parked in the drive-way.

Hmm.....I wonder if this was the client John was telling me about.

Thank-god the house is neat.I thought, as I removed the gardening gloves and took off the dirty apron.

I kicked off the dirty boots and slipped into a pair of flip-flops by the door and walked over the car, smoothing my flower print blouse and cream skirt.

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