I Think I Am Falling In Love With My Best Friend!(Chp-1)

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Hey guys I know my first attempt was pathetic but it was my first so I hope you like this one.Please read and comment and pleeeeeease vote,it is only one click away.

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I think I Am Falling In Love With My Best Friend.(Chp-1)

'No way am I gonna let him beat me this time.'I thought fiercely as I sprinted across the football field with Jake running slightly ahead.I am Shellina but everyone calls me Shell.Besides Shellina being a mouthful and a completely stupid name it is all girly and this feminine crap.But what can I do my mom thought I will love it because I am a girl.Sure all the girls will love it when they are in elementary school but she failed to think of my teenage phase and not to mention my adult years.Yeah it will be totally cool when I meet someone important like a businessman or a new coach or my new boss in my interview and I introduce myself,'Hello I am Shellina Rock.It is a pleasure to meet you.'Not only the combination sux but my name sounds like a name a 10 year old would pick as her nickname in a Barbie fan club or something.Geeez!!!!!Talk about embarrassing names and the fact that I am 15 doesn't help either.I am in high-school and I live in a quiet suburb.You could call me a tom-boy and I am really into sports.My best friend Jake and I always compete in a lot of sports just to prove who is better than the other.He is the captain of the boys basket-ball team and the quarterback of the football team while I am the captain of the girls basketball team.But I can play football and both of us play it a lot.Even though we are very competitive we are best friends.

It all started in 1st grade when my family moved here-San Fransisco .It was my first day and I was very shy.Even though I had very short hair-a boy cut because my hair kept getting in my way my parents had dressed me in a pink dress with butterfly clips in my hair.God,even though I was small I liked to be like guys-tough and sporty and not like all these stupid girls who cry for everything and play with dolls.I like boys clothes and when I was small I wore my brothers' clothes because I couldn't buy it and my parents wouldn't buy it for me.Anyway back to the story.......during recess I asked some guys if I could play football with them and they made fun of me saying I was a stupid girl and that I was good for nothing.Iwas so mad that I punched him in the face and pushed him and said,'Is that girly enough for you and if you want to run home crying to your mama like a stupid girl and say that you got a black eye from a stupid girl,you are welcome to.Hahahahah you look like a stupid girl who is gonna cry.'emphasizing 'stupid girl'.As I was walking away Jake came upto me and asked me to play with him and his friends which I gladly accepted.Even though I didn't know then he was very popular and he was elder,he was in 3rd grade.After that we became friends and we started competing in sports and that is how we are now.

I know he asked me to play with him then because I was a girl and he might have felt sorry for me but I am glad he did for I was good in sports even then and I think he was impressed so that is how our friendship got stronger

.Now you could call me a tom boy but I like it that way but I guess you say it was because I had 3 brothers and my best friend was a guy.Because I was the first girl in my family my mom got all obsessed with the girly name and clothes and that is how I got stuck with Shellina and if you look at my childhood photos I was always showered with pink and flowers and butterflies and all that crap.**EEWW**

**Back to present**

I lost as Jake breezed through the finish line,mere seconds before me.As we collapsed on the grass he said,'Aww come on you can get me the next time.'noticing my sulking and punching me lightly on my shoulder.'It was really hard this time you know.I had to use all my strength to win.You are getting better'he said looking at me.

'You say that every time.'I said sulking.

'Yeah but I mean it this time.'he said sincerely.

'You say that too.'I snapped not wanting to be comforted.Again I lost and yes, he wins every time we race.

'Yea but I have an advantage,my legs are longer because I am taller.'And I knew he was right, he was a good head taller than me.I have to look up, just to talk to him.

'Come on don't sulk, you know I don't like it when you sulk.And you look like a girl when you sulk.'he teased leaning in .

'Shut up!I don't!'I yelled punching him hard in the shoulder,my eyes blazing.

'Now there's my Shell back.I missed you.'he said rubbing his shoulder.'As much as I am happy I do not appreciate being punched by a girl.'he said.'By a girl who punches like a guy.'he added hurriedly seeing my expression change.

'Now we're talking!'I said getting up.I loved to tease him, not that he is scared of me but he prefers to stay on my good side.'Come on lets go.'I said offering my hand to Jake.He took it and with one swift lunge he pulled me on top of him and tightened one hand around my waist.

'Aww come on I don't wanna go.'he whined.

'No!We have to go.'I said firmly trying to wriggle free.'Its getting late and we have school tomorrow.'I said.

'Fine but you have to buy me lunch for a week.'he said his eyes glinting mischievously.

'No way!You hog like a pig and I am not that rich to buy you lunch for one day let alone a week.'

'Then we stay.'

'No!Let me go Jake.Now!'I yelled at him.

'No I am completely comfortable the way I am.'

'Fine!!You asked for it'I said and bent down closing the inches between our faces within seconds.


Hey I hope you liked it!Comment and vote pls and it is not what you think!!(I mean the end)

I Think I Am Falling In Love With My Best Friend!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora