I Think I Am Falling In Love With My Best Friend!(Chp-8)

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New chappie!!

This is for you iceshard!!!

Hope you like it!!!


"Oh sure a naked girl and boy are just hanging out."he said sarcastically.

Oh boy.


Before I found my voice, I felt my silk sheet falling over my shoulders and covering me.

I looked back to see Jake standing there guilty and angry.

He put the sheet on me.

How sweet.

"Oh please don't stop, keep going at it." And with that Rob turned and left.

"No come back." I whispered uselessly.

"Don't worry he didn't deserve you any way

I turned to Jake angrily.

"Then who does?Huh?" I said angrily poking his chest.


"I've been single for my whole life and you come along and pretty much ruin the whole thing!" I shouted at him.


"You did this on purpose didn't you?"

"What?"he asked exasperated.

"Ruin my first date!"

"Are you crazy? I w-"

"Save it Jake. I know. If I started dating Rob you thought I'll get more popular than me didn't you?"

"Don't be stupid. I -"

"Shut up Jake! I've lived in your shadow forever! And you're afraid I'll come out from it!"

"Shell you aren't making any sense-"

"Jake shut up! You know I'm telling the truth! You're just-"


"Can you hear yourself?You make no sense! Whats wrong with you Shell?"

That's it I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down.

"Shell.Shit I am sorry-"

But what I said next froze him and my heart.

"I hate you."

"I don't love you either Shell."

"Shut up and get out." I whispered.

"I will. You don't need to tell me. And by the way, don't kid yourself. No normal boy would go out with you and your sacks that you call clothes."he added over his shoulder and left my room.

That did it I cried and cried till I felt as if every cell in my body was gone.

I got up and padded over toJosh's room still wrapped in my silk sheet.

I knocked on his door and walked in to find my brother sitting at his desk, working on his laptop.

He looked up and his usually calm features arranged themselves into an one of anger.

"Shell"he said getting up."What happened?"

Without a word I just walked towards him and wrapped my arms around him.

He also hugged me, engulfing me in a bubble of safety and warmth.

He gently carried me to his closet and still with my sheet on, he pulled a tee over my head and pulled the sheet from under me.

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