I Think I Am Falling In Love With My Best Friend!(Chp-2)

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I Think I Am Falling In Love With My Best Friend.(Chp-2)


'No I am completely comfortable the way I am.'

'Fine,but you asked for it!!'I said and bent down closing the inches between our faces within seconds.


'If you think that your kiss will make me loosen my grip,you thought wrong dear.'Jake said with a smirk before my face touched his.Hahahaha!!He thinks I am gonna kiss him!!Poor kid!

I leaned down slowly my mouth opening slightly and my upper lip brushed against his lower lip as I bit his chin nice and hard.My teeth sank into his soft skin.Hmmm...it was soft....

'Owwwww!!!What the hell Shell?'Jake yelled,right in my ear ,I might add,both his hands flying up to nurture his chin and I happily jumped up and looked at him,'That might leave a mark.'I said and smirked

'Damn right it will leave a fucking mark!Thanks Shell!What is wrong with you?I was just playing'he added sarcastically.I looked at him surprised,he almost never swore.The only light around us was the setting sun which cast a thin light around us bathing everything in a deep yellow.Even though the light was dim it was enough for me to see something red glisten on Jake's chin.

'Oh shit!I am so sorry Jake.I....I didn't mean to hurt to you.'I said my voice breaking as I cradled his face in my hands and wiped the drop of blood from his chin.Tears welled up in my eyes.No,no,no I don't cry,I cant cry,no way am I gonna cry, I am a Rock for God's sake!

'No,no,no Shell!Dont cry,you never cry,you..you cant cry.you are no stupid girl.'he said his anger replaced almost instantly with concern and regret...regret?

'I hurt you.'I said looking at my kneeling knees.But I had exercised control over my tears, only a couple of them had managed to escape.God,I hate to cry.

'That's ok guys are supposed hurt each other, remember?'he said playfully shoving my shoulder which made me fall backwards and on my butt.

'God,Jake cant you manage to hold someone's sympathy for atleast a minute?'I asked as I got up.'Come on lets go.'I said impatiently waiting for him to collect his ass and get up to leave.

'What? No shove or push?Shell are you ok?I mean I am fine you know.'he said apparently waiting for me to hit him back.

'No I know you are perfectly fine but it is late and we have school tomorrow and I still haven't finished my home-work.'I said grimacing.'And don't kid your self I don't feel sorry for you anymore and besides we are even.Can you please lift that mega ass so that we can get going?'I said looking down at him.

'Ok,ok! I am coming!'he grumbled as he got up.

'Good,cause I was just about to walk home.'I said.Really I was gonna go home walking if this doofus hadn't got up.He may have sensed the sureness of my voice or something because he said,

'Are you kidding me Shell?You think I will let walk alone in the dark for 6 blocks?'he said looking at me like I was a lunatic.

'Jake you know I will be perfectly safe.I know karate and boxing and I will kick any guy's ass except maybe yours.But that is cause you are better than me 'I said hating it that he thought he should look after me just because I am a girl.'And besides I have walked home alone on countless occasions and you never bothered.'I criticised.

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