I Think I Am Falling In Love With My Best Friend!(Chp-10)

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Ya'll lucky cause I cant stop writing!!!


"So I was kinda wondering if you wanna go to the prom with me?"

"Yeah no probl-" I stopped abruptly as what he said really sunk in

"WHAT? You wanna ME to go to the prom with YOU?"

"Umm yeah.That is if you wanna."he added quickly.

Oh my god.

He wants me to go to prom with him!!

I am gonna go to prom!!!!

"Yeah sure." I said hoping not to be too emotional.


I turned around to find a girl with her Jaw on the floor.


"Oh my god!I cant believe that you are going to the prom with Rob!!"

I just shrugged.

I cant lose my cool here.

I'll wait till I get home to do my happy dance.

"That's so awesome! Now what are you gonna wear?"

I shrugged again.

That was 1 question even I didn't have the answer too.

I'll probably borrow something from my mom.

By the time I got to our last class, the whole school was buzzing with the news that I was going with Rob.

That girl sure knows how to spread the news.

It was science.

I didn't pay attention.

I wouldn't understand even if I listened.

Instead I pulled out my I-pod and put it on shuffle.

Hard rock blared through my ear-phones.

I don't have any mushy love songs in my I-pod.

The bell couldn't ring any faster!

After the last bell I got up to go to my locker to dump some of my stuff.

I silently sang along to the song on my way to my locker.

"Apple bottom jeans and boots with the fur,

The whole club's lookn at he-"

"No Rob but what if she embarrasses you? I know her since she was in grade 1 and trust me when I say, she doesn't own anything except those bags she dares to call clothes. Rob this is our last prom, we'll never get to relive it again. Don't you think this is not exactly a good time to be doing charity."

The nerve of that bastard!!

I'm a charity case!!


I inhaled sharply, listening to that two-faced douche bag talk to Rob.

They turned around at my gasp and saw me standing there like the complete fool I am.

Not that I care.

I don't believe that Jake just said that about me.

We'rnt exactly friends but we have been best friends for as long as I can remember.

And now he is back-biting about me like he didn't care about me.

Maybe he didn't.

Maybe I was some horrible joke to him.

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