I Think I Am Falling In Love With My Best Friend!(Chp-4)

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I'll save my meaningless chatter for later.

Very short I know...sorry.

I hope you like it!If you do you know what to do!

Hope you like it!

I Think I Am Falling In Love With My Best Friend!(Chp-4)

After taking a warm shower and putting on my black hoodie and gray baggy pants and covering my stick straight blonde hair with the hood, I ran down stairs to find my dad reading the paper with a cup of coffee in his hand,my mom making bacon and eggs on crisp toast,Ray asleep with his head in his plate, oops that is gonna stink heheh. And Josh eating toast and looking at Ray with an amused grin on his face and Sam standing in front of Ray with his phone taking a good many pictures of Ray.

"Good morning sister."Josh said as I walked into the room.

"Good morning sweetie."dad said looking up.

"Good morning every-one!"I sang as I grabbed a juice-box and a slice of toast and headed for the door.

I sat on our white porch steps and leant on a pole supporting the porch roof and ate my toast waiting for Jake to come.After finishing my make-shift breakfast,I started reading a book(which I always have).As I was nearing the climax a heard a car pull into the driveway on the left side of the huge lawn in the front of my house.

Grr trust Jake to come at the wrong time! Well he could wait till I finish.Hmph.

"Come on beautiful we have to leave!"

Beautiful???Wait that is so not Jake's voice.......

Shit its Robert!!!!!

"Umm,Robert wwhy did yo-ou com..e tto ppickk me upp?"I stammered looking up.

That is one hell of a car....you know these huge jeeps with tyres taller than you and all sorts of things sticking out.Robert sat at the wheel of a sky blue jeep with painted yellow flames licking the bottom of the car grinning.

"Why cant I?"

"Um no that iss not whaat I meant,its just you never did before."I said feeling stupider than my stupid reason.

"Well have I asked you out before?"

"No." I said feeling stupider than wearing a clown suit at a formal dinner.

"So?"he asked eyeing the passenger seat meaningfully.

"Oh yeah but um Jake usually picks me up."I said lamely.Rob must be thinking I am a wacko job.

"Jake picks you up for school?"He asked his eyebrows raising in surprise.

"Yes"I said holding my head higher.Why is everyone so surprised when I say Jake picks me up for school?We are best friends after all.

"Ok get in you can tell him that I will pick you up from now on."authority burning every word.

"Umm ok"I said debating whether or not to turn him down.Well hell!I am not gonna turn him down!

I got up and swung myself easily into the passenger seat.

"Impressive."he said looking at me with surprise,"I usually have to get out and lift them onto the seat.Well except guys of course."he chuckled.Oh I flushed in pleasure and looked down my flush turning into a blush as I replayed the words in my head.Did he mean I was a guy?Or did he.....?What?I cant even figure it out.Uhh!

I jumped out of the jeep swiftly as we came to a halt in the school parking and turned back to wave at Rob,though I didn't finish my mission,my hand raised in the air like a moron I gulped as I saw Jake coming towards me.

He was angry.Very angry.And I don't like Jake's anger.It is very unpleasant.What am I saying?The last time I made him angry I ended up in a pond in my underwear and got grounded for like ever for being unable to explain why was I in wet underwear to my parents.

Oh and did I say that I almost got pneumonia for that and got grounded again for almost getting pneumonia?I guess not but that doesn't even cover the humiliation I had felt in school due to the 'mysterious' appearance of photos of me in dripping underwear.


Oh boy!I am in trouble.

Heaps of it...........But why?


Moi again! Hi! I hope u guys don't totally hate me........ I know I took too long a break and I am not gonna make excuses.SOOO SORRY!!

I hope you all liked it!But why is Jake sooo angry?Just cause she ditched him?Any guesses?

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