I Think I Am Falling In Love With My Best Friend!(Chp-3)

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I Think I Am Falling In Love With My Best-Friend!(Chp-3)


"Robert Collins wants to go out with you!!"



"Jenny come on, April 1st isn't for months!Dont you think it is a little too early to start a prank?"

"No, no I am telling the truth!He wants to go out with you!"

"Ok lets say he did,but why would he tell YOU that?"I asked.

"He didn't tell Me,I heard him talking to his friend about it!I mean it is like so cool!Did you..........."

I tuned out as I started to realise that it actually could be true.Did he like me?But why?Or was it a dare?Oh please don't let him like me.Oh please,please-What am I doing???I am praying for a guy to like me!!!I must be crazy!!!Stupid periods seem to have flipped on some switch or something!!!!

Robert was popular very popular.He was a senior like Jake but not as popular.

The school drools over Jake!!Now even I do!Oh, those li-.No,no!Bad girl,bad girl!No thinking about those lusciously full li-.No,no!!!No thinking.

I became popular once I started hanging out with him in Junior-High.The kids started noticing me and actually tried to be friends with me which was heaven compared to the hostile stares,giggles,snorts and complete and utter ingnorance.But now I am popular and I hang out with the jocks and cheerleaders and I am liked and accepted in the school.

You could say that Robert was the second best looking guy in the school.

But no one ever wanted to go out with me!!!!Ever!!!!!!Not even the school playboy!!!And the thought that a popular guy like Robert would actually want to go out with me was dizzying.

Oh please let him like m-I am crazy!!!!!

The rest of the day passed in a blur as I prayed for him to like me and then argued with myself and prayed and argued and so forth.

After the last bell as I was pulling out my chemistry notebook out of my locker.We had an assignment!It was so unfair that we get so much of assignments.I don't know wh-.


"Hey!"I said without turning engrossed in my mission to find my chemistry notebook in my cluttered locker.

"Um Shell I was thinking if you wanna go out with me like on a date on Satrurday"

I froze my hands locked in place,buried under a pile of unwanted papers where I had been rummaging.It was him!!!Jenny hadn't been lying!!Oh my God he actually wants to go out with me!

"Can you turn around? It is weird talking to someone's back you know."Robert said with a chuckle.

Shit I cant move!!Move Shell you can do it!Come on.....Just because you are a Rock you don't have to act like one!!Take a deep breathe.Come on!Move!!!

I slowly turned around keeping my eyes straight and found that Robert was closer than I thought so my eyes were on his muscled chest which was emphasized with a tight,tight t-shirt.

God since when did I think about boy's muscled chests??Stupid periods switching on stuff I never knew about.......

"So?Will you?"He asked again amusement playing in his voice.

Shit he asked me out!!What do I do???I have to say something!Right....now how do I do that?Mouth!Of course I have one!!Right?Yeah!!

"Ok."I said simply thanking my lucky stars for not stuttering.

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