I Think I Am Falling In Love With My Best Friend!(Chp-5)

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Hey it is moi the ever-writing(as if)and lazy author.So I haven't been very fast in uploading have I(don't answer I know) so I decided to give the ones who like my story an opportunity(its soo big you guys wont give it a second chance),every week on Thursday I will post one chapter but it will be only 1 page long(very short) or I will post whenever I feel like it or finish it in big chapters like 4-5 pages(very big) or more.So you guys can comment,write on ma messege board or private messege me to tell me what you guys prefer.So it is upto you guys and choose wisely you have till next Wednesday.Au revoir!!

Oops not done yet sorry heheh.Yaeh this is the 5th chapter and I hope u guys like it!!!


And comment!!!

I love you all!!!

Even if you hate me!!!

Tha-okay okay I'll stop!!heheh


Here it is!!!!

Okay here it is!!!


I Think I Am Falling In Love With My Best Friend!(Chp-5)


Oh boy I am trouble.

Heaps of it....but why??


I gulped audibaly as Jake approached me.Shit he looks mad.

Damn it I don't even know why he is angry with me and I am already scared!!!

He is coming.....closer......20 feet.....10 feet.......5 feet.........3 feet........less than one......*BOOM* He arrives!!!!

And passes me without giving the slightest recognition-if he knew I existed!!Sheesh!

And I was having a mini break-down for nothing??!!

I was counting metally almost going mental for absolutely and utterly nothing??!!

For no freaking hell??!!

Damn it!I am officially mental.I am talking to myself and no-one is even answering!


I turned back to see a ring of colourful students surrounding God-knows-what.

My curiosity gets the better of me and walk towards it, breaking through the ring to get a better view.

Jake was standing there, his hands on some jock's collar shaking him.

"And if you ever make a move on Amanda again you are gonna pay sucker!"He said letting go of him after one final shake.

Then he walked away angrily.

Amanda is is the head cheer-leader,hottest piece of meat in school and the wearer of the teeniest tiniest clothes known to man.But other than that she is a complete opposite of the bitches described in books and movies.For one she was not a bitch but is really nice and will help you any-time you need it, she is not a slut despite her fashion and everyone likes her sincerely instead of the If-I-don't-like-her-i-am-a-social-outcast type.

And she is a very good friend of mine even though her sense of humour is nil.She is also very serious and up-tight but other than that she is a complete darling.

In the looks department she can beat just about any-one fair and square.Flaw less skin, twinkling chocolate eyes, wavy brown hair like a silky brown curtain till her tiny waist, long legs even though she is short for her age,plenty of curves and everything on show-this girl had everything that would make guys drool.

And like most head cheer-leaders she has no fake boobs or unnaturally sticking out butts.And she had no clones that followed her around with their noses stuck as high as possible in the air.

So in short Agvinshire High School had no stuck up bitches that made your life hell.It can get boring at time bu the jocks produce enough excitement.And since I love this school there is no high-school drama for me.



I'm calm, I can handle it.I am not gonna burst.I am ok.





Sorry that is it for you guys.Guesses are welcome and votes and comments are more than welcome!!

Hope you guys liked it!!


I cant believe I have 25 fans!!!!

And 48 votes!!!

And more than 500 reads on my story!!

Thx you guys!!!

I love you all!!!

And thx again!!


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