2. priority | 영현

Start from the beginning

You texted him. Helloooooooooooooo. And watched him. He reached for his phone in his pocket and half-smiled. He looked at you and showed his palm trying to say wait. You rolled your eyes and called his phone.




"..." You stayed silent.

I'm hanging up.

"Hi, I'm your girlfriend's friend and she said that she's getting bored," you said in different voice.

He laughed and stood up. He walk to you and said, Tell her I need thirty more minutes. Promise. Last thirty minutes, pinching her cheeks.



Then he ended the call and kissed your forehead. "Last thirty minutes." You nodded.

He returned to his seat and continued his work. You just watched him, not knowing you already fell asleep.

After an hour, you woke up not finding YoungK beside you. He's still facing he's laptop. You looked at your watch and it's already 8:00 in the evening.

That's when you felt anger, disappointment, hurt, annoyance, unimportantness, you don't know. It was mixed emotion. You don't get mad easily but this is not it. You stood up and got the cookies and milk he didn't even mind of.

"I'm leaving... just saying if you care," you mumbled. He didn't hear you but he know you're mad.

"What's wrong?" he asked, grabbing your arm. You looked at him. "I'm going home," you said. You removed his grip on you and returned the cookies and milk back on his desk.

You walked past him. He tried to hold you but you avoided it.

You bit your lip trying to refrain yourself from crying. You hurriedly made your way downstairs. "I'm going," you said to the boys watching the television. They noticed you're not okay since you talked in shaky voice.

You left the dorm hearing, What happened?, Follow her! from Junhyeok and Jae.

You walked in fast pace so YoungK wouldn't catch you. You waved at a taxi cab but it was occupied. You cursed silently.

You saw YoungK running into you, you tried to run away from him but he was fast. "Let's talk."

You looked down, avoiding his brown eyes, knowing you would cry if you'll come across them.

"What's wrong?" he asked, shaking your shoulders.

What's wrong? Everything. Everything's wrong.

You looked at him. "I only see you once a month. It's okay to me. I love seeing you succesful in your career. I love seeing you sing because that's what makes you happy. I love seeing you make your own song. I love you Younghyun." -you paused- "I know you know your priorities. That's why I never let you pick between me or music. Because it both matter to you, but now I'm doubting I still do matter to you." He looked sad. His eyes look sorry.

I don't know what he's sorry at. Maybe for me, making me feel trivial or maybe making me feel he still loved me even if he doesn't anymore. Fvck. My thoughts didn't help. You talked in your mind.

He was about to talk but you cut him off, "We used to spend hours together. We used to have late night conversations even if you're busy. We used to spend this day with just the two of us. We used to be happy. We used to, Younghyun. I feel unimportant to you now. I feel you falling out of love for me." Tears were streaming down your cheeks. He looked more sorry now. You don't know why and you're even afraid to find out what is the reason.

You turned your back on him wiping your tears. "I'm sorry," he said. Then he's hands wrapped your waist. You noticed he was tying the checkered polo you left in his room on your waist. "I'm sorry," he repeated. You faced him.

"I'm tired. I'm sorry t-" he cut you off, placing his lips into yours, pulling you close to him. You love him. You love his kisses, hugs and how he holds you. But this isn't right. You pulled away and slapped him.

"I'm sorry Younghyun. You can't kiss someone you're not in a relationship with... I'm breaking up with you."


omo omo omo omo!

this is a looooooong imagine. im just fond of unhappy endings and sad stuffs. im sorry hahaha. and if you're not satisfied with the ending or you want to know youngk's pov or what, i'll make part two of this. JUST COMMENT "PART TWO PLEASE" LOL but im serious! hahaha.

iloveya'll. // park's ♡


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