My mom went over to my dad and wrapped her arms around him. "Oh, Frank! You would only understand if you were a girl," she said, lying her head on his chest. "I can't believe she's all grown up."

I think that was the billionth time she said that within the same hour. One more mentioning of me being all grown up will have my head exploding.

"I can't believe our baby is all grown u-"

"Okay, Mom..." I butted in. "I think we all know that I'm growing up. Everyone grows up at some point-"

My dad gave me a knowing look. I coughed. "What I meant to say is. . . that I'll always be your guys' little girl. . . and don't worry. . ." I raised my right hand. "I solemnly swear there will be no parties, or partying; no drinking; no alcohol — which is kind of the same as drinking; no drugs; no ditching classes, unless if going on an adventure. . ." He raised an eyebrow, noticing what I added in. I huffed. "Fine. No skipping class even if there's an adventure; no staying up unless it's for homework; and- that's all." I decided to skip the last one because I wasn't sure if it applied to me anymore. "I'll make sure to call every weekend to check-in with you guys."

"And..." Dad egged on.

I playfully rolled my eyes, knowing what he was referring to. "Fine. . . and no boys — except one. Happy?"

Dad walked over to me and brought me into a warm embrace. "Very. You'll always be our little princess." With that being said, Mom joined in on the hug. We stayed that way for a while until my phone started to ring - the song of "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen filling the silence of the room.

Mom was the first to pull away from Dad and me. She checked the time on the watch wrapped around her wrist. "You guys going out for dinner, tonight?" she asked, glancing up at me.

I shrugged, glancing down at my phone to find a recently missed call from a number I became all too familiar with. "Something like that; but it depends if I finish unpacking by then," I said, sliding my phone back into my back pocket.

Mom nodded. "Okay, we'll leave it to you, then. Let's go, Frank." She gave me one last hug. "Don't forget to call us."

I smiled, returning the hug. "I won't."

After Mom had let go of me, Dad drew me into a side hug. "Have fun; but, not too much fun." He kissed the top of my head before pulling away and strolling over towards my mom, who was standing by the door.

"Bye, Ava," my mom and dad said in unison, causing both of them to look at each other and chuckle.

I grinned, finding the expressions they sent each other cute. I sighed and waved. "Bye, Mom. Dad. I love you, guys."

Mom smiled. "We love you, too."

Dad rested his arm around Mom's shoulder as they turned to leave. "Bye, honey! Don't forget to call us when everything's settled!" he called over his shoulder as he and Mom began making their way out the door.

"I will! Love you, guys!" I said as both of them headed out the door, leaving me standing alone in my dorm room. I exhaled and spun back around to face the piles of stacked up boxes. There weren't too many. Just a few - like, four to six. I shook my head, mentally preparing myself for a couple of hours of unpacking.

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